HD 12-Channel HD Portable Video Streaming Studio
Supports full 1080P with scaling on each available input
The HS-3200 is Datavideo’s top of the line switcher with full 1080p support on every input and output, and not only has this, but 3200 series also has a built-in input scaler, for up and down conversion on each available input.
Completely customizable 12 input full HD production switcher
The HS-3200 is equipped with 12 inputs (8x SDI+4x HDMI) and 9 outputs (5x SDI+4x HDMI) to help you produce a sophisticated and professional live event.
Stream to Facebook Live, YouTube, Twitch and more
The built-in H.264 web streaming encoder allows you to stream your show to Facebook, YouTube or Twitch in no time.
Built-in H.264 recorder for SD cards
The HS-3200 comes with a built-in web-ready recorder. Simply insert your SD card, and you’ll have video files that can be immediately uploaded to the video network of your choice or to your website.
Create stunning video effects with advanced features
Advanced features include 8x PIPs, 4x upstream keyers for chromakey, linear and luma keys as well as picture-in-picture, 2x DSKs, and 2x independent logos or chromakeyers.
Variety of video and audio input/output
The HS-3200 is equipped with 12 inputs (8x SDI+4x HDMI) and 9 outputs (5x SDI+4x HDMI) to help you produce a sophisticated and professional live event.
17.3” LED Backlit Monitor
streaming video studio
Built-in Monitor Display. 17.3″ HD TFT LED backlit monior with resolution 1920×1080 pix.
Built-in animations and backgrounds
Choose from a variety of pre-saved animated stinger transitions and 50 virtual set backgrounds to create advanced effects.
Included CG Title Creator
All 3200 series switchers have built-in support for Datavideo CG software. This unique feature converts a regular HDMI output of a PC or laptop into a fully-fledged CG interface for use with Datavideo’s CG suites. Free CG-200 software included.
Custom Multiview Layout & Dual Multiview Output
Connect up to two displays to all 3200 series switchers for a dual Multiview output. Choose from many pre-defined multi-view layouts or define your own!
4 Chromakeyers for a Complete Virtual Studio Experience
Up to 4 channels of switchable chromakey with our unique “Key tie” functionality. Create a complete 4 channel virtual studio and enjoy our super easy to use automatic chromakey functions.
Support SRT streaming protocol, no need to worry about unreliable network environment
Many broadcasters have experienced pixelated video during live streaming, often due to unstable network environments caused by bandwidth volatility.
Streaming RTMP over unreliable, low-bandwidth networks can cause issues. With dvCloud, you can now replace the RTMP protocol with SRT, which will fix most streaming issues you may have. SRT is better than RTMP because it handles problematic networks more efficiently.
It requires less bandwidth, and it solves data errors faster. As a result, your viewers will experience a better stream, with less buffering and pixelization.
Build a reliable SRT live streaming workflow with all Datavideo products.
Datavideo-nun geniş çeşidli enkoderlər, kameralar və əl ilə daşıyan dəyişdiriciləri SRT və dvCloud tərəfindən tam dəstəklənir. Datavideo kodlayıcıları və dvCloud etibarsız şəbəkələr üzərində etibarlı axınları təmin edir. Datavideo kodlayıcısı və dvCloud-dan birlikdə istifadə etməklə siz ilkin problemli əlaqədə və ya “Birinci Mil”də SRT-dən (RTMP əvəzinə) istifadə edə bilərsiniz. Video axınınız dvCloud-a çatdıqdan sonra, axını Facebook və YouTube kimi sevimli istiqamətlərinizə çatdırmaq üçün dvCloud-un etibarlı, yüksək bant genişliyi şəbəkəsindən asılı ola bilərsiniz.
HD 12-Channel HD Portable Video Streaming Studio
Məhsulun spesifikasiyası
Model nömrəsi
Video standart
Video Format
1080i 50/59,94/60Hz
720p 50/59.94/60Hz
Daxiletmə Routable / Crosspoint
Video Girişi
Kompüter qrafik interfeysi
Aşağıya çevrilmiş Çıxış
Video Çıxışı
3x HDMI PGM only
Analoq Audio Giriş
Analoq Audio Çıxış
Rəqəmsal Daxili Səs Dəstəyi
Output 4 channels
Audio Gecikmə Kalibrasiyası
A+V keçid
(Key / Fill)
Şəkildəki şəkil
Loqo daxil edilməsi
Başlıq Yaradan
Daxili Audio Mikser
Built-in Monitor Display
Built-in Intercom & Tally
Configurable Bit-rate up to 10Mbps
Streaming Audio Encode
Configurable bit rate range from 32Kbps to 384Kbps
Sample rate: 48KHz, 16bit
Streaming Protocol
RTSP over HTTP/TCP/UDP (RTSP Elementary Streaming)
RTMP/RTMPS (Publish)
Streaming Control
Recording File System
Recording File Format
Streaming & Recording Setting Control
Xüsusi Xüsusiyyətlər
9 stinger transition and 4 user preset
Built in TC-200 CG interface
Streaming encoder and recorder
12×9 matrix seamless switch
Hələ heç bir rəy yoxdur.