The STR-A7III is a new form-fitting camera cage direct from Ikan. The frame is shaped to accommodate the Sony a7 III and a7R III camera bodies. The cage comes in three main parts: the top handle, the base, and the camera frame.
Mânerul superior se montează direct pe partea din față a cadrului cuștii. Există 42 de monturi 1/4-20 pe mânerul superior atunci când acesta este gol, dar mânerul poate fi acoperit cu mânere Ikan sau, dacă sunt necesare mânere personalizate, se poate potrivi cu majoritatea mânerelor de bicicletă. O tijă de 15 mm poate fi, de asemenea, introdusă în capătul mânerului și ținută în poziție cu un șurub 1/4-20 prin unul dintre numeroasele suporturi. un suport pentru pantofi reci este situat în partea din față a mânerului, aproape de locul în care se conectează la partea frontală a cadrului. Există mai multe orificii de montare pe partea din față a cadrului pentru poziționarea mânerului pe oricare parte pentru a face loc pentru accesorii și adaptoare audio.
The base is simple and sleek, with mounts for two included 15mm rods (2x 200mm rods plus 2x 100mm extensions w/ couplings) and both 1/4-20 and 3/8-16 mounting points for tripod quick release plates. The locking knobs are large and solid and have a kipping function that allows tightening even when the knobs are partially obstructed. The base locks to the frame with an Arca-Swiss style connection, and there are hard stops on either side to allow safe horizontal positioning. This base also has vertically positionable rods that have about 1″ of play to better accommodate matte boxes, follow focuses, and lens supports to many styles of lens. There is a lock and track on the very bottom of the base for lightweight (15mm) dovetail plates, but note that not all dovetail plates conform to the same standard of size or manufacturing tolerances.
The camera frame is shaped specifically to the Sony a7 III-style body, with cutouts on top for button and dial access. Room has been made on the left and right sides of the cage for access to memory card slots, A/V inputs & outputs, and remote port access. There is also a cutout on the bottom of the cage over the battery port, allowing for quick swaps without having to unmount the cage. The cable clamp on the left side of the cage is positionable and universal, and can be used to support cables nearly anywhere on the camera’s left-hand side. Finally, the Arca-Swiss style base connection is also compatible with many types of photo tripod quick-releases, which means that is can be mounted to a photo tripod instead of the tripod quick release plate if it is removed from the base.
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