Манфротто MVK500AM

Tripod with fluid video head Lightweight with Side Lock


Fast set-up, easy handling and beautiful shots guaranteed. The Fluid Video System, Lightweight with Side Lock is the ultimate video system for any professional. Designed to make even the trickiest job a cinch, this clever tripod with fluid video head has everything you need to work to the highest standard,  even when you’re under pressure. And it’s super easy to transport. Its smart design includes a side lock feature, enabling you to slot your camera in from the top, rather than the back. This frees you up to get to work fast, and keeps your gear absolutely secure, so there’s no need for a secondary lock.


Сообщение об обратном заказе 01 января 1970 г.


Tripod with fluid video head Lightweight with Side Lock



Fast set-up, easy handling and beautiful shots guaranteed. The Fluid Video System, Lightweight with Side Lock is the ultimate video system for any professional. Designed to make even the trickiest job a cinch, this clever tripod with fluid video head has everything you need to work to the highest standard,  even when you’re under pressure. And it’s super easy to transport. Its smart design includes a side lock feature, enabling you to slot your camera in from the top, rather than the back. This frees you up to get to work fast, and keeps your gear absolutely secure, so there’s no need for a secondary lock.

Fluid cartridges on both pan and tilt axis give you incredibly smooth movements, so jerking from one angle to the next is a thing of the past. Plus, this nifty tripod with fluid video head works with even awkward interchangeable lens cameras, and supports wider HDSLR bodies. It has a pre-set counterbalance of up to 2.4kg, but can support up to 5kg, giving you all the strength you need in a photo head. Not only that, it comes complete with its very own carry case, so you can pack things away in a jiffy at the end of the day.

This essential tripod with fluid video head even comes with a 9.5mm connector to easily pair with accessories, like an external monitor. The functional and innovative aluminium legs make it lightweight and compact when disassembled. When it’s up, secure leg locking keeps everything firmly in place, and rubber feet add to its stability, and a rubber strap secures the tripod once folded away, so you can be sure this handy stand is always safe, whether it’s in use or packed away.

Технические характеристики


3.56 kg

Безопасная полезная нагрузка UNI/PdR 105:2021

8 кг

Система противовеса


Вес противовеса

2.4 kg

Максимальная высота

154 cm

Минимальная высота

67.5 cm

Пузырьковый спиртовой уровень (№)


Центр гравитации

55 мм

Сумка для переноски в комплекте


Центральная колонка

нет центральной колонны

Закрытая длина

72 cm



Верхнее приложение

винт 1/4″, винт 3/8″

Мяч Плоский

60 Ball

Безопасный вес полезной нагрузки

5 kg

Питание от (батареи)


Передний наклон

-70° / +90°

Тип головы

Видео/жидкостная головка

Тип ноги


Тип блокировки ноги

Откидной замок

Секции ног


Legs Tube Diameter

15.2, 18.5, 21.7 mm



Максимальная рабочая температура

60 °C

Минимальная рабочая температура


Пан-бар в комплекте


Перетащите панораму

fluid cartridge with fixed drag

Панорамное вращение


Тип плиты


Быстрый выпуск



mid level – fixed arm length

Наклон Перетащите

fluid cartridge with fixed drag

Совместимость аксессуаров







Тип продукта



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