Sennheiser EW 135P G4

Sennheiser EW 135P G4 Camera-Mount Wireless Cardioid Handheld Microphone System (A1: 470 to 516 MHz)

Sennheiser EW 135P G4 Overview

The Sennheiser EW 135P G4 camera-mount wireless handheld microphone system features the proven combination of reliability, flexible control, and broadcast-quality sound that has made the EW Series an industry standard for videographers, journalists, and content creators all over the world.



Sennheiser EW 135P G4 Camera-Mount Wireless Cardioid Handheld Microphone System (A1: 470 to 516 MHz)

Microphone System

Sennheiser EW 135P G4 Overview

The Sennheiser EW 135P G4 camera-mount wireless handheld microphone system features the proven combination of reliability, flexible control, and broadcast-quality sound that has made the EW Series an industry standard for videographers, journalists, and content creators all over the world.

The EW 135P G4 gives you the tools to adapt and meet the wireless challenges that inevitably arise on set. The frequency scan function automatically searches for the cleanest frequency at your location, while the transmitter offers an interchangeable capsule design, allowing you to swap mic capsules with different polar patterns to suit your application.

The system includes a camera-mount receiver and an updated, lightweight handheld transmitter equipped with an MMD 835 cardioid capsule—ideal in situations where you don’t have time to position a lavalier mic or you need to quickly pass the mic between several people. The receiver connects to a camcorder or a DSLR/mirrorless camera to capture crisp-sounding speech or dialog for projects ranging from wedding and corporate videos to red-carpet and man-on-the-street interviews in noisy environments.

The EW 135P G4 is backward-compatible with previous evolution systems, giving you the ability to mix and match G4/G3/G2/G1 receivers or bodypack, handheld, and plug-on transmitters. It is also compatible with EW 500 systems.

Bu sohada ishonchli ishlash uchun yaratilgan

  • The EW 135P G4 features all-metal construction and a lightweight handheld transmitter, well suited for extended use on location.
  • Using the included shoemount adapter, the compact receiver easily mounts on your camera without adding much weight. The included cables allow you to connect the receiver to the 3.5mm or XLR audio input of any DSLR/mirrorless, camcorder, or recording device.
  • Transmitter ham, qabul qiluvchi ham qabul qilish sifati, batareya holati va ovoz darajasini ko'rsatadigan kunduzi o'qiladigan LED displeylarga ega. Sizni tezda ishga tushirish uchun ular oddiy tugmani bosish orqali infraqizil interfeys orqali sinxronlashtiriladi.

Tasdiqlangan eshittirish - sifatli ovoz

  • The EW 135P G4 ships with an MMD 835 dynamic mic capsule, which delivers a natural sound optimized for speech intelligibility. Its directional cardioid polar pattern helps to reject unwanted background sound, making it ideal in loud environments such as trade-show floors, busy public areas, or sporting events.
  • For outdoor interviews or situations when you’re moving the mic quickly between speakers, you can swap out the included 835 cardioid capsule for the MMD 42 capsule (available separately), which offers improved wind protection, less handling noise, and a more forgiving omnidirectional pickup pattern.
  • To take full advantage of the microphone’s dynamic range, the system employs proprietary HDX compander technology, preserving your sound without adding unwanted noise during transmission, and delivering audio with remarkable accuracy and quality.

Qo'shimcha xususiyatlar

  • 330 'gacha ishonchli uzatish uchun moslashuvchan xilma-xillik qabul qilish
  • 46 MHz bandwidth with 1680 tunable UHF frequencies for clean reception
  • Intermodulyatsiyani oldini olish uchun har birida 12 tagacha zavodda o'rnatilgan kanallar mavjud bo'lgan 20 ta chastotali banklar
  • Transmitter o'chirilganda RF shovqinini yo'q qilish uchun uchuvchi ohangni o'chirish
  • Receiver with adjustable 48 dB of output level to match the audio input of your camera or recording device
  • Moslashuvchan boshqaruv opsiyalari bilan foydalanuvchilar uchun qulay menyu ishlashi
  • Transmitter va qabul qiluvchining 4 bosqichli batareya quvvati ko'rsatkichi mavjud
  • Avtomatik qulflash funksiyasi sozlamalarni tasodifiy o'zgartirishni oldini oladi
  • RF ovozini o'chirish funktsiyasi
  • 8 soat batareya quvvati
  • AA batareyalari yoki qayta zaryadlanuvchi BA 2015 Accupack batareyalari orqali quvvatlanadi (alohida mavjud)
  • Side contacts for recharging the receiver’s Accupack without removing it—requires the L 2015 quick-charging unit (available separately)
  • To'plamda bir vaqtning o'zida 12 tagacha simsiz mikrofondan foydalaning
  • Unlike digital wireless systems, the SKM 100 G4 transmitter can transmit to an unlimited number of EW Series receivers
  • Aksessuarlarning keng assortimenti tizimni turli ilovalarga moslashtiradi

Bir qarashda EW 100 G4 va EW 500 G4 tizimlari

  • Tarmoqli kengligi: Up to 46 MHz vs up to 88 MHz
  • UHF chastotalari: 1680 va 3520 gacha
  • RF chiqish quvvati: Ruxsat etilgan 30 mVt va sozlanishi 10/30/50 mVt
  • Mikrofonlar birdaniga: 12 mikrofongacha va 32 mikrofongacha
  • Kiritilgan Lavalier Mic: ME 2-II omni yoki ME 4 kardioid va professional MKE 2 omni
  • Eshitish vositasi chiqishi: Yo'q va ha
  • Ovoz chiqishi: Balanssiz va muvozanatli
  • Plug-on transmitter: Fantom yo'q va +48V fantom quvvati

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyalari


Simsiz texnologiya Analog UHF
RF kanal chastotalari soni 1680
Kiritilgan transmitterlar 1 x Mikrofonli tana paketi
Turli xillik Antenna xilma-xilligi
RF chastota diapazoni A1:
470 to 516 MHz
RF tarmoqli kengligi 46 MHz
Chastota qadam o'lchami 25 kHz
Maksimal ish diapazoni 330' / 100,6 m (ko'rish chizig'i)
Tasma uchun maksimal transmitterlar 12
Burilish 48 kHz (Peak)
Modulyatsiya Keng polosali FM
Qabul qiluvchi
Qabul qiluvchi turi Kamera o'rnatish
O'rnatish imkoniyatlari Poyafzal o'rnatish moslamasi (qo'shimcha jihoz bilan)
Antenna 1 x Moslashuvchan qamchi, mahkamlangan
Audio kanallar soni 1
Audio kiritish/chiqarish 1 x 1/8″ / 3,5 mm TRS Ayol balanssiz chiqish (qulflanadigan)
Daromad oralig'i 42 dB (6 dB qadam)
Ovoz chiqish darajasi +12 dBu
Squelch 5 dan 25 dBmV gacha
Qo'shni kanal izolyatsiyasi >65 dB
Quvvat talablari Batareya
Batareya turi 2 x AA (shu jumladan)
1 x Sennheiser Accupack (shu jumladan emas)
Taxminan Batareya muddati 8 soat (ishqoriy)
Displey va ko'rsatkichlar 1 x Orqa yoritilgan LCD (Batareya holati, chiqish darajasi, RF darajasi)
Uy-joy Metall
Ishlash harorati 14 dan 131 ° F / -10 dan 55 ° C gacha
O'lchamlari 2,5 x 3,2 x 0,9 dyuym / 64 x 82 x 24 mm
Og'irligi 5,6 oz / 160 g (batareyalar bilan)
Transmitter turi Handheld
RF chiqish quvvati 30 mVt
Audio kiritish/chiqarish None
Ovozsiz None
Ovoz kiritish darajasi 3 V RMS (maksimal)
Daromad oralig'i 48 dB (6 dB Steps)
Chastotaga javob 80 Hz dan 18 kHz gacha (mikrofon)
80 Hz to 18 kHz (Line)
Sinxronlash usuli IR
Antenna 1 x Internal
Quvvat talablari Batareya
Batareya turi 2 x AA (shu jumladan)
1 x Sennheiser Accupack (shu jumladan emas)
Taxminan Batareya muddati 8 soat (ishqoriy)
Displey va ko'rsatkichlar 1 x Yoritilgan LCD displey (audio darajasi, batareya holati, signal kuchi)
Uy-joy Metall
O'lchamlari 2 x 10.4″ / 50 x 265 mm
Og'irligi 15.9 oz / 450 g (with Batteries)
Mikrofon turi Handheld Capsule
Ovoz maydoni Mono
Kapsula Dynamic
Polar naqsh Kardioid
Maksimal SPL 154 dB SPL Peak
Sezuvchanlik 2.1 mV/Pa

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