Datavideo HS-2850-8

A complete and professional studio made for big events.

This professional studio includes a built-in switcher, intercom, tally, audio delay and monitor.


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


HD/SD 8-Channel Portable Video Studio

A complete and professional studio made for big events.

this professional studio includes a built-in switcher, intercom, tally, audio delay and monitor

Ideal for large-sized live video productions.

Supports up to 12 HD or SD inputs in a variety of configurations, 3 SDI and 1 HDMI freely assignable outputs.

17.3” LED Backlit Monitor

Built-in Monitor Display. 17.3″ HD TFT LED backlit monior with resolution 1920×1080 pix.

Create impressive video effects to enhance your production.

2 x PIP and 2 x DSK assignable for luma key or alpha key.

Built-in title overlay and Perfect lip sync

Add custom graphics to help tell your story with the built-in title overlay system.The HS-2850’s included audio-delay feature ensures that you’ll be able to keep your audio and video perfectly in sync with one another. This means zero lip sync issues for your professional production.

Build in Intercom System

Built in 8 Channel Intercom/Talkback system (4 x belt packs supplied)

Assignable Crosspoints

The HS-2850’s inputs can be reassigned, giving you more flexibility while organizing the multi-view interface.

Supports 12 HD or SD Inputs in a variety of configurations

  • HD Mode: (1) 12 HD-SDI , (2) 9 HD-SDI + 3 HDMI
  • SD Mode: (1) 12 SD-SDI , (2) 9 SDI + 3 HDMI

Ko'p ekranda HH:MM:SS ko'rsatuvchi real vaqtda soat

Count down counter MM:SS/

Datavideo HD/SD 8-Channel Portable Video Studio

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi

Model raqami
Video standart
HD va SD
Video formati
1080p 25/29/30/50/59.94/60Hz
1080i 50/59,94/60Hz
720p 50/59,94/60Hz
576i 50Hz
480i 59,94 Gts
Routable / Crosspoint kiritish
All 12, repeatable
Video kiritish
8x SDI, 2x HDMI
12x SDI, 3x HDMI
Kompyuter grafik interfeysi
Max 3 via HDMI
Pastga aylantirilgan chiqish
3x SDI
Video chiqishi
3x SDI assignable:
PGM, PVW, AUX & Clean Out
1x HDMI assignable:
PGM & multi-view
Analog audio kirish
4x Balanslangan XLR
Analog audio chiqishi
2x Balanslangan XLR
Raqamli o'rnatilgan audio qo'llab-quvvatlash
Input up to 16 channels,
Output 4 channels
Audio kechikish kalibrlash
Up to 8 frames
A+V kommutatsiyasi
2, support Lumakey & Linear key
(Key / Fill)
Rasmdagi rasm
Logotip kiritish
2 (yoki 1 logotip + 1 soat)
Sarlavha yaratuvchisi
Ha, CG-200 dasturi bepul yuklab olish
O'rnatilgan audio mikser
Built-in Monitor Display
17.3” HD TFT LED backlit, 1600×900 pix
Built-in Intercom & Tally
8 channels (4 belt-packs incl.)


Streaming Audio Encode
Streaming Protocol
Streaming Control
Recording File System
Yozib olish fayl formati
Streaming & Recording Setting Control


Maxsus xususiyatlar
Built in TC-200 CG interface
Hajmi (LxWxH)
455 x 355 x 134 mm
18.7 Lbs (8.5 kg), Reinforce Plastic Case
DC 12V, 6A
Ishlash harorati. Diapazon
0~40 °C
Qutida nima bor
1 x HS-2850 Unit
AC shnuri bilan 1 x AD Switch DC 12V
1 x CB-41 / XLR dan XLR kabeliga
4 x CB-3 / XLR cable
1 x USB Light
1 x Goose neck MIC
4 x Headphone Microphone
4 x ITC-100SL
1 x Tally light
4 x Velcro

Datavideo HS-3200

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Jonli ishlab chiqarish almashtirgichlar, monitor, multiviewer, signalni qayta ishlash, video / audio / SDI yozuvchisi, video router


Baho berilmagan.

Mahsulotga faqatgina akkauntiga kirib mahsulotni sotib olgan hairdo fikr bildirishi mumkin.

Valyutangizni tanlang
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel risus imperdiet, gravida justo eu.

Savatchada mahsulotlar yo'q.