Datavideo HS-1300

Datavideo 6-Channel HD Portable Video Streaming Studio


Compact design suited for medium-sized productions

Portable Video Studio, the HS-1300 offers a small footprint and supports up to 6 video inputs in HDMI and SDI, and 5 Video Outputs: ( SDI x 2 + HDMI x 3)


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


Datavideo 6-Channel HD Portable Video Streaming Studio


Compact design suited for medium-sized productions

Portable Video Studio, the HS-1300 offers a small footprint and supports up to 6 video inputs in HDMI and SDI, and 5 Video Outputs: ( SDI x 2 + HDMI x 3)


Made for mobility. Made for the web.

The HS-1300 brings a new level of simplicity to production workflows. You’ll set up faster and easier thanks to its portable “briefcase” design.

And thanks to its built-in H.264 web streaming encoder, you can stream your show to virtually any CDN like YouTube and Facebook in no time.

Built-in H.264 recorder for SD cards

The HS-1300 comes with a built-in web-ready recorder. Simply insert your SD card, and you’ll have video files that can be immediately uploaded to the video network of your choice or to your website.

Streaming to Facebook Live, YouTube, Twitch, and More

The built-in H.264 encoder allows you to stream your show to virtually any CDN like Facebook, YouTube or Twitch in no time. It also supports different bitrate for recording to SD card and streaming function

Built-in virtual set backgrounds and 9 animations

Choose between a variety of pre-saved virtual set backgrounds.

Choose between a variety of pre-saved animated stinger transitions for your show.

User memories

You can save a complex process into a user memory, turning multiple tasks into a one-finger job.


17.3” LED Backlit Monitor

Built-in Monitor Display. 17.3″ HD TFT LED backlit monior with resolution 1600×900 pix.

SRT oqim protokolini qo'llab-quvvatlang, ishonchsiz tarmoq muhiti haqida tashvishlanishga hojat yo'q

Many broadcasters have experienced pixelated video during live streaming, often due to unstable network environments caused by bandwidth volatility.

Streaming RTMP over unreliable, low-bandwidth networks can cause issues. With dvCloud, you can now replace the RTMP protocol with SRT, which will fix most streaming issues you may have. SRT is better than RTMP because it handles problematic networks more efficiently.

It requires less bandwidth, and it solves data errors faster. As a result, your viewers will experience a better stream, with less buffering and pixelization.

Barcha Datavideo mahsulotlari bilan ishonchli SRT jonli oqim ish oqimini yarating.

Datavideo-ning keng ko'lamli enkoderlar, kameralar va qo'lda ko'chirish moslamalari SRT va dvCloud tomonidan to'liq qo'llab-quvvatlanadi. Datavideo enkoderlari va dvCloud ishonchsiz tarmoqlar orqali ishonchli oqimlarni ta'minlaydi. Datavideo kodlovchisi va dvCloud-dan birgalikda foydalanib, siz dastlabki muammoli ulanishda yoki “Birinchi mil”da SRT-dan (RTMP o'rniga) foydalanishingiz mumkin. Sizning video oqimingiz dvCloud-ga yetgandan so'ng, oqimni Facebook va YouTube kabi sevimli manzillaringizga etkazish uchun dvCloud-ning ishonchli, yuqori o'tkazuvchanlik tarmog'iga bog'lanishingiz mumkin.

Datavideo 6-Channel HD Portable Video Streaming Studio

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi


Model raqami
Video standart
Video formati
1080i 50/59,94/60Hz
720p 50/59,94/60Hz
Routable / Crosspoint kiritish
Hammasi 6, takrorlanishi mumkin
Video kiritish
Kompyuter grafik interfeysi
2 HDMI orqali
Pastga aylantirilgan chiqish
Video chiqishi
3x HDMI + 2x SDI assignable: AUX 1-6, PGM, PVW, PGM Clean or Multiview
Analog audio kirish
2x Balanslangan XLR
Analog audio chiqishi
1x Stereo headphone
Raqamli o'rnatilgan audio qo'llab-quvvatlash
Input 2 channels, Output 2 channels
Audio kechikish kalibrlash
A+V kommutatsiyasi
2x USK support Chromakey
2, support Lumakey & Linear key (Key / Fill)
Rasmdagi rasm
Logotip kiritish
Sarlavha yaratuvchisi
O'rnatilgan audio mikser
Built-in Monitor Display
17.3” HD TFT LED backlit, 1600×900 pix
Built-in Intercom & Tally


H.264 / AVC, Main/ High Profile
Configurable Bit-rate up to 10Mbps
Streaming Audio Encode
Configurable bit rate range from 32Kbps to 384Kbps
Namuna tezligi: 48KHz, 16bit
Streaming Protocol
TCP/UDP orqali TS (bir va multicast)
HTTP/TCP/UDP orqali RTSP (RTSP Elementary Streaming)
RTMP/RTMPS (nashr qilish)
Streaming Control
Web browser UI for configuration and control Socket commands
Recording File System
Yozib olish fayl formati
Streaming & Recording Setting Control
Web UI for system configuration and control


Maxsus xususiyatlar
Streaming encoder and recorder
2 chromakey virtual studio
9 stinger transition and 30 virtual sets included
Hajmi (LxWxH)
455 x 355 x 134 mm
16.3 Lbs (7.4 kg), Reinforce Plastic Case
DC 12V, 5A
Ishlash harorati. Diapazon
0~40 °C
Qutida nima bor
1 x HS-1300 Product
AC shnuri bilan 1 x AD Switch DC 12V

Boshqa DataVideo mahsulotlari

Datavideo HS-1600T MARK II

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Jonli ishlab chiqarish almashtirgichlar, monitor, multiviewer, signalni qayta ishlash, video / audio / SDI yozuvchisi, video router


Baho berilmagan.

Mahsulotga faqatgina akkauntiga kirib mahsulotni sotib olgan hairdo fikr bildirishi mumkin.

Valyutangizni tanlang
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel risus imperdiet, gravida justo eu.

Savatchada mahsulotlar yo'q.