Datavideo BC-50

Datavideo Block Camera 1080P IP Camera with Streaming Encoder


1080P IP Camera with Streaming Encoder with Stunning Full HD resolution

1/2.7 inch CMOS sensor. 1080p Full HD resolution.


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar

Bo'lim: , Teg:


Datavideo Block Camera 1080P IP Camera with Streaming Encoder

Datavideo Block Camera

1080P IP Camera with Streaming Encoder with Stunning Full HD resolution

1/2.7 inch CMOS sensor. 1080p Full HD resolution.

20x optical zoom, 16x digital zoom

The BC-50’s 20x optical zoom and 16x digital zoom allows you to mount it near or far and still get great, sharp shots.

3G-SDI output

3G-SDI output for use in regular workflows. Tally lights for broadcast level applications.

Controllable by VISCA/Pelco-C/Pelco-D

The BC-50 supports VISCA/Pelco-D/Pelco-P enabling the camera to be controlled via RS-485.

Compression H.264/H.265/Motion-JPEG and IP Streaming

The BC-50 camera can provide the H.264 / H.265 / MJPEG compressed video signal, as well as the RTMP protocol for broadcasting to Facebook and YouTube via an RJ-45 connection.

Seamlessly compatible with DVCloud

Get the most out of your streaming hardware using DVCloud. The BC-50 is seamlessly compatible with Datavideo’s DVCloud service.

This subscription service give you the possibility of sending your stream to multiple destinations at the same time without having to have multiple hardware encoders.

You can also record your production on the DVCloud platform in h.264 format. After recording you can directly use this recording to upload it to your favourite content platform.

For more information on DVCloud, please visit the product page or sign up directly on

Datavideo 1080P IP Camera with Streaming Encoder

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi

Model raqami
Video formati/ravshanligi
1080p 60/50/30/25
1080i 60/50
720p 60/50
Tasvir sensori
1/2.7″ progressive scan CMOS sensor
Samarali piksellar (taxminan)
2,07 mega piksel
S/N nisbati
55 dB
Min. Yoritish
0.05 Lux @ (F1.8, AGC ON)
Elektron panjur
1/30 ~ 1/10000 sec
Kattalashtirish nisbati
20x Optical zoom, 16x Digital zoom
Gamma nazorati
O'chirilgan / Oddiy
Iris nazorati
Avtomatik / Qo'lda
Raqamli shovqinni kamaytirish
2D & 3D
Ekrandagi displey (OSD)
English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Oq balans
Auto, Manual, One Push, 3000K, 4000K, 5000K, 6500K_1, 6500K_2, 6500K_3
AGC / Gain Control
Auto / Manual (0 to 28 step)
Max. Gain Limit (6 to 28 step)
Oyna / Tasvirni aylantirish
Fokus rejimi
Avtomatik / Qo'lda
Panorama / burish diapazoni
Panorama / burish tezligi
Oldindan oʻrnatilgan
Fokus uzunligi
f=4.3 mm (WIDE) to 88.5 mm (TELE)
F1.6 to F4.7
Ko'rish maydoni (gorizontal, keng)
Approx. 63.7° (WIDE END) / 2.3° (TELE END)
Tasvir kompensatsiyasi
Day & Night function
Video chiqishi
3G/HD-SDI x1
Audio kiritish
3.5mm Jack (Stream Output Only)
Tally LED
Ikki rang (qizil, yashil)
Ob'ektiv filtri
M52.0 x 0.75 ip UV himoyasi bilan
Boshqarish protokoli
VISCA, Pelco-D, Pelco-C
Masofadan boshqarish interfeysi
RS-485: Transmit up to 1000m
Videoni siqish formati
H.265, H.264, MJEPG
Ovozni siqish formati
Audio bit tezligi
HD IP interfeysi
Oqimli protokollar
TCP/IP, HTTP, RTSP, RTMP, DHCP, Multicast, etc
Birinchi oqim qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan ruxsat
Ikkinchi oqim qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan ruxsat
Video bit tezligi
Video bit tezligi rejimi
Kadr tezligini kodlash
F/W yangilanishi
IQ nazorati
Kamera boshqaruv bloki
Tripod o'rnatish
1/4-20 UNC
Qo'shimcha aksessuarlar
Dark blue
Hajmi (LxWxH)
71 x 162 x 83 mm
0.7 kg
Ishlash harorati. Diapazon
0~40 °C
DC 12V 6W
Qutida nima bor
1 x BC-50 main unit
1 x DC 12V power adaptor

Datavideo BC-50


Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Video kamera


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