Datavideo DAC-91

Datavideo Embedder


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


SDI Audio Embedder

Datavideo Embedder

Auto detects SD, HD and 3G signals


Allow users to embed 2 channels of analogue audio into SDI video signal. It features 3G/HD/SD-SDI to support up to 1080p/60 video format, automatically detecting and switching between the different formats and provides mini XLR and RCA audio connectors for inputting analogue audio.

Auto sets compatible formats to embed external sound sources to SDI output


Embed Audio into an SDI Signal

Supports SMPTE and EBU


Audio level indicator display
Audio level adjustment


4 x Analogue Audio inputs (Mini XLR x 2, RCA x 2)


The Audio box also has audio level adjustment by using the built-in DIP switches.

Alyuminiy qotishmasi va og'ir dizayn


Super mustahkam va bardoshli. DAC seriyali eng qo'pol sharoitlarda ham foydalanish uchun mustahkam metall korpusga ega. Kam issiqlik tarqalishi, oddiy shamollatiladigan muhitda uzoq soat ishlash uchun ideal.


Texnik xususiyatlari

DAC-91 Audio Embedder
SDI Video Input 3G/HD/SD-SDI x 1
SDI Video Output 3G/HD/SD-SDI x 2
Analog audio kirish Mini XLR (balanced) x 2 ,RCA (unbalanced) x 2
* Mini XLR1 & RCA1 mixed to CH1
* Mini XLR2 & RCA2 mixed to CH2
Indicator Power LED x 1 Audio Level LED : 2 rows
Updates and Configuration Mini USB x 1
Audio Format Selection SMPTE, EBU
Gain Ha
Hajmi (LxWxH) 112 x 85 x 45 mm
Og'irligi 0,4 kg
Ishlash harorati. Diapazon 0~40 °C
Quvvat DC 12V, 0.5A
Qutida nima bor 1 x DAC-91 product
1 x AD kaliti DC 12V
2 x Mini XLR to female XLR cable
1 x rahmat kartasi

Datavideo DAC-50S

Datavideo DAC-90



Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Signalni qayta ishlash


Baho berilmagan.

Mahsulotga faqatgina akkauntiga kirib mahsulotni sotib olgan hairdo fikr bildirishi mumkin.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel risus imperdiet, gravida justo eu.

Savatchada mahsulotlar yo'q.