AJA V2Analog

AJA HD/SD-SDI to Analog Mini-Converter

Umumiy koʻrinish

V2Analog is a high-quality, cost-effective digital to analog video converter that’s an ideal solution for integrating analog equipment such as monitors and tape decks into digital workflows. V2Analog performs high-quality SDI digital to component or composite analog conversion at either SD or HD resolutions with a full 10-bit data path. V2Analog takes incoming SDI signals and converts to YPbPr (SMPTE, EBU-N10), Betacam, or RGB component outputs or NTSC/PAL or Y/C (S-Video) composite outputs for complete integration into any workflow. Configuration can be set by on unit DIP switches or remotely via AJA MiniConfig software control over USB.

Note: V2Analog does NOT up-convert or down-convert between SD and HD resolutions. Only digital to analog signal conversion is supported.


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


AJA HD/SD-SDI to Analog Mini-Converter


Analog Converters


Umumiy koʻrinish

V2Analog is a high-quality, cost-effective digital to analog video converter that’s an ideal solution for integrating analog equipment such as monitors and tape decks into digital workflows. V2Analog performs high-quality SDI digital to component or composite analog conversion at either SD or HD resolutions with a full 10-bit data path. V2Analog takes incoming SDI signals and converts to YPbPr (SMPTE, EBU-N10), Betacam, or RGB component outputs or NTSC/PAL or Y/C (S-Video) composite outputs for complete integration into any workflow. Configuration can be set by on unit DIP switches or remotely via AJA MiniConfig software control over USB.

Note: V2Analog does NOT up-convert or down-convert between SD and HD resolutions. Only digital to analog signal conversion is supported.


  • 10-bit AJA digital to analog conversion
  • Low power, compact size
  • HD/SD-SDI input
  • YPbPr/RGB Component, Composite, S-Video output
  • Configure via DIP switch or USB port and supplied Mini-Config software

Extensive format support

V2Analog takes incoming SDI signals and converts to YPbPr (SMPTE, EBU-N10), Betacam, or RGB component outputs or NTSC/PAL or Y/C (S-Video) composite outputs for complete integration into any workflow.

Pristine image quality

Utilizing a full 10-bit data path and AJA’s high-quality digital-to-analog technology, V2Analog maintains the most detail possible to ensure a quality conversion at an extraordinary price.

USB and Mini-Config Support

AJA’s free Mini-Config software can be used with any USB enabled AJA Mini-Converter and provides an easy to use graphical interface with detailed information about the current input and output formats. Control all the parameters of any supported AJA Mini-Converter as well as loading firmware updates from AJA that add new features and functionality.

Universal quvvat manbai

Barcha AJA Mini-konvertorlari a bilan birga keladi universal quvvat manbai that includes international plug connections for use around the world.

Yilni va portativ

AJA Mini-konvertorlar monitor orqasiga, tokchaning orqa tomoniga yoki to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kamera qurilmasiga sig'adigan darajada kichik. Qulflash quvvat ulagichi tasodifan bo'shashmaydi va qo'shimcha P-TAP quvvat kabeli uzoq joylarda batareya quvvatini ta'minlaydi.

AJA mini-matritsasi

AJA Mini-konvertorlarining to'liq qatori haqidagi ma'lumot endi iOS-da mobil ilova sifatida mavjud. Mini-Konverter mahsulot qatori keng va bu ilova qayerda bo'lsangiz ham har qanday vaziyat uchun to'g'ri konvertorni topishga yordam beradi.

Alohida mahsulotlarda qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun asosiy AJA veb-saytiga havolalar mavjud va mahsulot ma'lumotlarini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ilovadan elektron pochta orqali yuborishingiz mumkin. iPad uchun bepul AJA Mini-Matrix ilovasi® va iPhone® hozirda mavjud Apple iTunes® do'koni

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi


Video formatlari

  • (HD) 1080i 50, 59.94, 60
  • (HD) 1080p 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30
  • (HD) 1080PsF 23.98, 24, 25
  • (HD) 720p 50, 59,94, 60
  • (SD) 625i
  • (SD) 525i


  • HD/SD-SDI, SMPTE-259/292/296M, 1x BNC


  • HD component YPbPr, RGB (SMPTE-274), BNC
  • SD component (Betacam, EBU-N10)/composite/YC (S-Video), BNC

User Controls

  • External Dipswitch
  • Control (Local/Remote)
  • Component/Composite (SD Only)
  • Format (YPbPr/YC or RGB)
  • Pedestal Present (on/off) (SD Only)

Hajmi (bxdxx)

  • 5.1” × 2.4” × 1.0” (129.54 × 60.96 × 25.4 mm)


  • +5-20 VDC, 3 watts


  • Xavfsiz ish harorati: 0 dan 40 C gacha (32 dan 104 F gacha)
  • Xavfsiz saqlash harorati (O'chirilgan): -40 dan 60 C gacha (-40 dan 140 F gacha)
  • Ishlaydigan nisbiy namlik: 10-90% kondensatsiz
  • Ishlash balandligi: <3,000 metr (<10,000 fut)

Ko'proq AJA mahsulotlari

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi



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