AJA DVI/HDMI to SDI with ROI scaling

Umumiy koʻrinish

AJA’s ROI-DVI Scan Converter allows exceptionally high quality conversion of computer DVI and HDMI outputs to baseband video over SDI at an affordable price and a very portable size. With extensive audio functionality, incredible image scaling as well as aspect and frame rate conversion, ROI-DVI fulfills the growing need to properly incorporate computer signals into the video world without sacrificing budget or space.


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


AJA DVI/HDMI to SDI with ROI scaling


Skanerlash konvertorlari

Umumiy koʻrinish

AJA’s ROI-DVI Scan Converter allows exceptionally high quality conversion of computer DVI and HDMI outputs to baseband video over SDI at an affordable price and a very portable size. With extensive audio functionality, incredible image scaling as well as aspect and frame rate conversion, ROI-DVI fulfills the growing need to properly incorporate computer signals into the video world without sacrificing budget or space.


  • DVI to 3G-SDI conversion with DVI loop through
  • Skanerlash konvertori
  • EDID emulyatsiyasi
  • 3G-SDI output
  • SD, HD va 3G formatlarini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi (to'liq ro'yxat uchun Texnik xususiyatlarga qarang)
  • Qiziqish hududi miqyosi
  • Yuqoriga, pastga, o'zaro konversiya
  • Tomonlar nisbati konvertatsiyasi
  • Kadr tezligini konvertatsiya qilish
  • Tasvirni H/V aylantirish va 90 daraja aylantirish
  • Deinterlaced va Progressive signallari o'rtasida konvertatsiya qilish
  • Accepts input DVI formats up to 1920 x 1200 60 Hz
  • Kirish boshqaruvining yo'qolishi: qora yoki ovozsiz
  • O'rnatilgan audioning 8 ta kanalini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi
  • 2-channel embedding of balanced analog audio inputs or 2-channel or 8-channel of HDMI audio, using a HDMI to DVI adaptor
  • Genlock:  Reference Input, DVI Input, or Free Run
  • USB port orqali sozlang va taqdim etilgan AJA Mini-Config dasturi, PC/Mac
  • 5-20 VDC quvvat sarflaydi (DWP-U-R1 universal quvvat manbai kiritilgan)

Qiziqish hududi

Eliminate extra interface clutter and menu bars and extract only the portion of the computer screen you want.

Connecting a ROI Mini-Converter via USB to a computer running the free Mini-Config application lets you interactively select a Region of Interest from the incoming computer signal and have full control over how that region is scaled to the output resolution using AJA’s high quality scaling algorithms for the cleanest picture quality possible.

AJA Tez boshlash:
ROI skanerlash konvertorlari

AJA bepul Mini-Config boshqaruv dasturi yordamida ROIni qanday sozlash va boshqarishni oʻrganish uchun ushbu videoni tomosha qiling.


Take full control of aspect ratio and frame rate conversion with on-screen controls in the Mini-Config software that show you exactly what your source and output will look like and what formats are coming in and going out. Simple menu controls let you quickly choose the proper output for any situation.


ROI utilizes a direct loop through, allowing it to be placed in-line so you still have a connection to an external monitor while extracting to SDI. The reference input ensures the SDI signal out of ROI is locked for use throughout a production or facility.


ROI accepts 2-channel audio from the 3.5mm analog audio input or embedded 8-channel audio from an HDMI input. The audio source and routing can be selected in the Mini-Config software and is embedded in the SDI output. This allows computer audio to be embedded within the SDI signal for easy, synchronized routing.

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi

Video kiritish formatlari

  • Computer Signals:
    • WUXGA (1920 x 1200) 60 Hz max
    • VGA (640 x 480) minimum
  • Video Signals:
    • (HD) 1920 x 1080i 50, 59,94
    • (HD) 1920 x 1080p 23,98, 24, 25, 29,97, 30, 50, 59,94, 60
    • (HD) 1280 x 720p 50, 59,94, 60
    • (SD) 625i, 525i
    • (SD) 580p, 480p


Eslatma: Frame rates limited by the 166 mHz max pixel rate of the DVI receiver.

Video chiqish formatlari

  • (HD) 1920 x 1080p 50, 59.94, 60, SMPTE 425-1 A darajasidagi xaritalash strukturasi 1 (4:2:2 10-bit YCbCr)
  • (HD) 1920 x 1080p 23,98, 24, 25, 29,97, 30
  • (HD) 1920 x 1080i 50, 59,94, 60
  • (HD) 1280 x 720p 50, 59,94, 60
  • (SD) 625i 25
  • (SD) 525i 29,97

Rang diapazoni

  • Toʻliq

Malumot manbasi

  • Erkin yugurish
  • Ext Ref

Malumot kiritish

  • Qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan mos yozuvlar video kirishlari quyidagilarni o'z ichiga oladi:
    • 1080i uch darajali sinxronlash
    • 1080p uch darajali sinxronlash
    • 720p uch darajali sinxronlash
    • 625i Rang qora
    • 525i Rang qora
  • 75 ohm tugatish

Video kiritish

  • 1x DVI input connector (with embedded audio, up to 8-channels)

Video chiqishlari

  • DVI
    • 1x DVI loop through connector (with embedded audio, up to 8 channels)
  • SDI
    • 3G-SDI, SMPTE-259/292/424, 1x BNC

Audio kirishlar

  • 1x Analog 3.5mm TRS, 2-channel
  • DVI embedded audio, 24-bit, 8-channel

Ovoz chiqishi

  • SDI embedded audio, 24-bit, 2-channel or 8-channel

Foydalanuvchi interfeysi

  • Qurilmani Mac yoki Windows orqali sozlash uchun taqdim etilgan kabel va Mini-Config dasturiy ilovasi bilan birga foydalaniladigan USB port

Hajmi (bxdxx)

  • 5.77″ x 4.02″ x 0.90″ (146.56 x 102.11 x 22.86 mm)


  • 0,6 funt (0,3 kg)


  • Uses AJA power supply model DWP-U-R1, included with purchase
  • 100-240V, 50/60 Hz universal kirish
  • +5 to 20V DC regulated, 8 watts max


  • Xavfsiz ish harorati: 0 dan 40 C gacha (32 dan 104 F gacha)
  • Xavfsiz saqlash harorati (O'chirilgan): -40 dan 60 C gacha (-40 dan 140 F gacha)
  • Ishlaydigan nisbiy namlik: 10-90% kondensatsiz
  • Ishlash balandligi: <3,000 metr (<10,000 fut)

Ko'proq AJA mahsulotlari

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi



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