AJA 3G-SDI Frame Synchronizer

Umumiy koʻrinish

OG-FS-Mini is an openGear broadcast quality utility frame sync that packs the production-proven reliability of AJA’s leading FS frame sync technology into an openGear card, supporting frame synchronization of untimed 3G-SDI, HD, and SD video signals at an affordable price.

OG-FS-Mini allows users to synchronize and convert a wide range of video formats to their house standard with a 3G-SDI input and output, HDMI output, and two 3-pin terminal block connectors for balanced analog audio outputs. The OG-FS-Mini also provides high quality up, down, cross-conversion.

OG-FS-Mini is designed for use in high-density openGear’s 2RU frames including AJA’s OG-X-FR frame. DashBoard software support on Windows®, macOS® and Linux offers remote control and monitoring of the openGear architecture and provides convenient and industry-standard configuration, monitoring and control options over a PC or local network.


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


AJA 3G-SDI Frame Synchronizer


Kadrlarni sinxronlashtirish


Umumiy koʻrinish

OG-FS-Mini is an openGear broadcast quality utility frame sync that packs the production-proven reliability of AJA’s leading FS frame sync technology into an openGear card, supporting frame synchronization of untimed 3G-SDI, HD, and SD video signals at an affordable price.

OG-FS-Mini allows users to synchronize and convert a wide range of video formats to their house standard with a 3G-SDI input and output, HDMI output, and two 3-pin terminal block connectors for balanced analog audio outputs. The OG-FS-Mini also provides high quality up, down, cross-conversion.

OG-FS-Mini is designed for use in high-density openGear’s 2RU frames including AJA’s OG-X-FR frame. DashBoard software support on Windows®, macOS® and Linux offers remote control and monitoring of the openGear architecture and provides convenient and industry-standard configuration, monitoring and control options over a PC or local network.


  • openGear-ga mos karta
  • Utility frame sync function times input signals to an external reference
  • Supports bi-level and tri-level references
  • High quality 10-bit video processing
  • Low latency processing, nominal video delay of 1 frame
  • Freeze (on input signal loss) to black or last good frame
  • Synchronizes 3G, HD and SD video formats
  • Simultaneous SDI and HDMI outputs
  • 16-channel embedded SDI audio I/O
  • 8-channel HDMI output audio
  • 2x 3-pin terminal block connectors for analog audio output
  • Utility frame rate conversion, supports 3:2 pulldown
  • Up, down, cross conversion between 3G, HD and SD video formats
  • AFD input detection, down-convert control
  • Remote configuration through Ross DashBoard software
  • Orqa I/U kartasi kiritilgan
  • Compatible with OG-X-FR, OG-3FR and DFR-8321 openGear frames

OG-FS-Mini supports 3G-SDI Level A only. 3G-SDI Level B is not supported.
OG-FS-Mini passes-through embedded audio ancillary data only.  It does not pass through other types of embedded ancillary data.

Simplified Block Diagram

OG-FS-Mini is designed to meet demands of broadcast engineering and live event production while providing incredible flexibility.  It receives an untimed signal, frame syncs it, processes it and  automatically routes it to both the SDI output for use in production and the HDMI output for monitoring.  The user selects which 2-channels of audio are routed to the balanced analog audio monitor outputs.

openGear muvofiqligi

OpenGear standarti AJA kartalari sertifikatlangan openGear hamkorlarining boshqa OpenGear mahsulotlari bilan mos kelishini taʼminlaydi. O'sib borayotgan mahsulotlar ro'yxati bilan openGear rackframe mahsulotlarining kelajagi hisoblanadi.

Moslashuvchan I/U

Modulli orqa panel har bir karta uchun maxsus I/U ulanishlariga imkon beradi (alohida kartalar bilan birga).


Ixtiyoriy ortiqcha quvvat manbai birlamchi quvvat uzilishida ikkilamchi quvvat manbaini ta'minlaydi.

Ethernetga kirish

Standart Ethernet ulanishi ramkaga umumiy ramka aloqasi uchun Dashboard ilovasi orqali kirish imkonini beradi. Mos keladigan openGear kartalari bilan kengaytirilgan aloqa uchun ramkaga ixtiyoriy har bir karta chekilgan kirish imkoniyatini o'rnatish mumkin.

Dashboard dasturiy ta'minot

DashBoard dasturi macOS, Windows va Linuxda openGear kartalarini tez va qulay konfiguratsiya va boshqarish imkonini beradi.

AJA mini-matritsasi

AJA Rackframe va kartalarining toʻliq qatori haqidagi maʼlumot endi iOS’dagi Mini-Matrix mobil ilovasida mavjud. AJA mahsulotlari keng qamrovli va bu ilova qayerda bo'lishingizdan qat'i nazar, har qanday vaziyat uchun to'g'ri konvertorni topishga yordam beradi.

Alohida mahsulotlarda qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun asosiy AJA veb-saytiga havolalar mavjud va mahsulot ma'lumotlarini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ilovadan elektron pochta orqali yuborishingiz mumkin. IPad® va iPhone® uchun bepul AJA Mini-Matrix ilovasi hozirda mavjud Apple iTunes® do'koni.

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi


Video formatlari

  • (HD) 1920 1080p
  • (HD) 1920x1080PsF
  • (HD) 1920x1080i
  • (HD) 1280x720p
  • (SD) 625i
  • (SD) 525i
  • YCbCr, 4:2:2, 10-bit

Video kirish raqamli

  • 1x 3G-SDI, 1x BNC
  • 3G/HD/SD, SMPTE-259/292/372/424
    • Single Link 3G-SDI Level A, SMPTE-425-1
  • (HD) 1920x1080p 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60
  • (HD) 1920x1080PsF 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30
  • (HD) 1920x1080i 50, 59.94, 60
  • (HD) 1280x720p 50, 59.94, 60
  • (SD) 625i 50
  • (SD) 525i 59,94

Raqamli video chiqishi

  • 1x 3G-SDI outputs, 1x BNC
  • 3G/HD/SD, SMPTE-259/292/424
    • Single Link 3G-SDI Level A, SMPTE-425-1
  • (HD) 1080p 23.98 (for 23.98 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080p 24 (for 24 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080p 25 (for 50 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080p 29.97 (for 59.94 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080p 30 (for 60 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080p 50 (for 50 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080p 59.94 (for 23.98, 59.94 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080p 60 (for 24, 30 or 60 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080PsF 23.98 (for 23.98 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080PsF 24 (for 24 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080PsF 25 (for 50 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080PsF 29.97 (for 59.94 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080Psf 30 (for 30 or 60 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080i 59.94 (for 23.98, or 59.94 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080i 60 (for 24, 30, or 60 video inputs)
  • (HD) 1080i 50 (for 25 or 50 video inputs)
  • (HD) 720p 50 (for 50 video inputs)
  • (HD) 720p 59.94 (for 23.98, 59.94 video inputs)
  • (HD) 720p 60 (for 24, 30, or 60 video inputs)
  • (SD) 625i 50 (for 25 or 50 fps video inputs)
  • (SD) 525i 59.94 (for 23.98 or 59.94 video inputs)

Monitor Output Digital

  • 1x HDMI standard type A connector
    • HD/SD
    • Color space, YCbCr or RGB
    • Bit depth, 8 or 10
    • RGB Range, SMPTE or Full Range

Videoga ishlov berish

  • Frame rate conversion/film cadence removal/insertion (3:2)
  • Freeze (on input signal loss) to black or last good frame
  • AFD input detection, down-convert control
  • Nominal video delay HD/SD, 1 frame


  • Hardware 10-bit
  • 4×3 Pillar: results in a 4×3 image at center screen with black sidebars
  • 14×9 Pillar: results in a 4×3 image zoomed slightly to fill a 14×9 image with black side bars
  • Full Screen: results in a 4×3 image stretched horizontally to fill in a 16×9 screen
  • Letterbox to Full: results in image zoomed to fill fullscreen
  • Wide Zoom: results in a combination of zoom and horizontal stretch to fill a 16×9 screen; this setting will introduce a small aspect ratio change


  • Hardware 10-bit
  • Crop: image is cropped to fit new screen size
  • Anamorphic: HD image is converted to full-screen SD with a 16×9 aspect ratio
  • 14×9: image is reduced slightly with aspect ratio preserved, black is added top and bottom, and the left and right sides are cropped
  • Auto AFD: automatically selects the best down-convert mode based on the input video’s Active Format Description (AFD) code
  • Letterbox: image is reduced with black top and bottom added to image area with the aspect ratio preserved


  • Hardware 10-bit
  • 1080i to 720p
  • 720p to 1080i
  • 720p to 1080PsF

Aspect Ratio Converstion for
SD to SD

  • Letterbox: transforms SD anamorphic material to a letterboxed image
  • H Crop: produces a horizontally stretched effect on the image; transforms anamorphic SD to full frame
  • SD Pillarbox: produces an image in the center of the screen with black borders on the left and right sides and an anamorphized image in the center
  • V Crop: transforms SD letterbox material to an anamorphic image
  • 14×9: anamorphic to 14×9 conversion

Audio kirish raqamli

  • 48 kHz sample rate
  • 1x SDI embedded input
    • 16-channels, 24-bit (20-bit SD), SMPTE-272/299

Ovoz chiqishi raqamli

  • 48 kHz sample rate
  • 1x SDI embedded output
    • 16-channels, 24-bit (20-bit SD), SMPTE-272/299

Audio kiritish/chiqarish

  • 16-channel embedded SDI audio input
  • 16-channel embedded SDI audio output
  • 8-channel HDMI audio output
  • Balanced analog audio outputs, 2x 3-Pin terminal block connectors

Ancillary Data

  • Supports pass-through of PCM embedded audio
  • Supports pass-through of non-PCM audio when source is in time with the selected ref (SDI In or Ext Ref).  Non-PCM audio is not supported during frame sync operation.
  • All other ANC data is not passed

Malumot kiritish

  • Qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan mos yozuvlar video kirishlari quyidagilarni o'z ichiga oladi:
    • 1080i uch darajali sinxronlash
    • 1080p uch darajali sinxronlash
    • 720p uch darajali sinxronlash
    • 625i Rang qora
    • 525i Rang qora
  • 75-ohm terminating


  • Lock to External Reference
  • Lock to SDI input
  • Free run


  • The OG-FS-Mini does not encode the HDMI output with HDCP encryption. By definition, HD-SDI inputs to the OG-FS-Mini are unencrypted. The HDMI specification requires HDMI monitors to support unencrypted inputs.

Foydalanuvchi interfeysi

  • External DIP switch
  • Windows, macOS yoki Linux orqali openGear DashBoard tarmoqni boshqarish dasturi

Hajmi (bxdxx)

  • openGear standard form factor, front slot and rear card. Two slots required for each card


  • 0,5 funt (0,3 kg)


  • openGear frame compatible, 7.0 watts max per card


  • Safe Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 40 C (32 to 104 F)
  • Xavfsiz saqlash harorati (O'chirilgan): -40 dan 60 C gacha (-40 dan 140 F gacha)
  • Ishlaydigan nisbiy namlik: 10-90% kondensatsiz
  • Ishlash balandligi: <3,000 metr (<10,000 fut)


Ko'proq AJA mahsulotlari

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Signalni qayta ishlash


Baho berilmagan.

Mahsulotga faqatgina akkauntiga kirib mahsulotni sotib olgan hairdo fikr bildirishi mumkin.

Valyutangizni tanlang
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel risus imperdiet, gravida justo eu.

Savatchada mahsulotlar yo'q.