AJA Multi-format Analog and Digital I/O

Umumiy koʻrinish

The most flexible card for analog and digital Standard and High Definition workflows.


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


AJA Multi-format Analog and Digital I/O


Ish stoli kiritish-chiqarish

Umumiy koʻrinish

The most flexible card for analog and digital Standard and High Definition workflows.


  • 2K/HD/SD up to 50/60p
  • 2x 3G-SDI spigots (In, Out) with 8-channel embedded audio
  • 2x HDMI 1.3 ports (In, Out) with 8-channel embedded audio
  • YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit and HD HFR workflows supported
  • Real time up, down and cross-conversion for HD and SD with pristine 10-bit quality
  • Compatible with leading creative apps
  • Yangi Apple M1 chipini qo'llab-quvvatlashni o'z ichiga oladi
  • Supports AES and Analog Audio I/O for Telecast Wirestream
  • Included breakout cable for Ref (Analog or Tri-level), RS-422, 2-ch AES/EBU, Analog composite or S-video, or SD/HD component
  • Extend external connectivity with KLHi-BOX breakout box

Flexible Workflows

KONA LHi provides a wide variety of formats, frame rates and audio/video sources for the connectivity you need. KONA LHi bridges the gap between analog devices and the latest 3G-SDI and HDMI-enabled products to provide editing, monitoring and mastering of professional quality video in an affordable, powerful, easy to use product.

Yangi Apple M1 chiplarini qo'llab-quvvatlash

Ish stoli dasturiy ta'minoti v16.1 va undan yuqorisi yangi Apple M1 chipi uchun optimallashtirilgan bo'lib, AJA macOS drayverlari, ilova plaginlari, AJA boshqaruv xonasi, AJA boshqaruv paneli, AJA tizim testi va AJA NMOS dasturiy ta'minotini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi.

Versatile Connectivity

Connecting to everything from an HDMI-enabled camera to an HD-SDI VTR, KONA LHi offers a full host of no-compromise features, including 10-bit or 8-bit uncompressed video, 2-channel AES digital audio and 8-channel SDI embedded digital audio, analog composite or S-video or SD/HD component video I/O, and 2-channel balanced analog audio I/O.

AJA Hardware Conversion

KONA LHi features full 10-bit, broadcast quality, motion-adaptive SD to HD up-conversion, HD to HD cross-conversion, HD to SD down-conversion, and automatic HD/SD 12-bit component analog output. Since KONA LHi’s conversions are hardware-based, they are available all the time – during ingest or playback.

Outputs can be configured independently allowing you to have simultaneous HD and SD output – or two different types of HD: 720 or 1080 – output at the same time via cross-conversion.

RS-422 Control

A 9-pin RS-422 connection available on either the included breakout cable or the optional KLHi-BOX breakout box, allows KONA LHi to take control of external devices for frame accurate ingest and layoffs.


Supporting macOS, Windows and Linux, KONA LHi offers cost effective simple connectivity for a range of workflows.


HDMI Integration

KONA LHi’s HDMI 1.3a support allows you to feed a “deep color” monitor with glorious 10-bit video, banishing video banding and preserving your gradients and rich color palette. Incoming HDMI signals can also be passed to KONA LHi’s SDI output for use in more professional environments.

Keng dasturiy ta'minotni qo'llab-quvvatlash

AJA hardware is supported by an extensive list of professional software for editing, visual effects, graphics and more allowing the same AJA device to be used by many different applications on the same system. In addition, AJA provides several free applications that enable you to utilize the power of your AJA hardware even without having to run a particular software package. This allows you to create unique workflows without tying up valuable resources unnecessarily.

Extend your Connectivity with KLHi-Box

The optional KHLi-Box breakout box let’s you integrate KONA LHi easily into rack environments for quick access to all video and audio connections. Additional connectivity includes BNC digital AES/EBU connectors and RCA audio monitoring jacks.

AJA DataCalc

AJA DataCalc iOS, iPadOS va Android uchun mobil operatsion tizim ilovasi boʻlib, rastr, kadr tezligi va kodek tanlovi asosida saqlash va vaqtni hisoblash uchun ikkita rejimni taklif etadi.

DataCalc - qo'lga olishdan oldin saqlash ehtiyojlarini hisoblang.

TimeCalc - Saqlash hajmi bo'yicha olishingiz mumkin bo'lgan materiallarning ishlash vaqtini hisoblang.

Natijalarni bevosita ilovadan jamoangiz bilan baham ko'ring.

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi


Video formatlari

  • (2K) 2048 x 1080p 23.98, 24, 25
  • (2K) 2048 x 1080PsF 23.98, 24
  • (HD) 1080i 50, 59.94, 60
  • (HD) 1080PsF 23.98, 24
  • (HD) 1080p 23,98, 24, 25, 29,97, 30, 50, 59,94, 60
  • (HD) 720p 50, 59,94, 60
  • (SD) 625i 50
  • (SD) 525i 59,94

Software Dependent Formats

  • 720p 23.98
  • 525i 23.98


Note: These formats are dependent on specific software functionality and are not normal over the wire formats.

Video kirish raqamli

  • 3G-SDI, SMPTE 425
    • YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit
  • 1.5G-SDI, SMPTE 292M
    • Single Link HD-SDI YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit
  • 270 Mbps SDI, SMPTE 259M-C
    • YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit, 8-bit
  • HDMI v1.3
    • 30-bits/pixel, RGB or YUV, 2.25 Gbps
    • SD, HD, 1080p 50/60 (1x mini-HDMI)

Raqamli video chiqishi

  • 3G-SDI, SMPTE 425
    • YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit
  • 1.5G-SDI, SMPTE 292M
    • Single Link HD-SDI YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit
  • 270 Mbps SDI, SMPTE 259M-C
    • YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit, 8-bit
  • HDMI v1.3
    • 30-bits/pixel, RGB or YUV, 2.25 Gbps
    • SD, HD, 1080p 50/60 (1x mini-HDMI)

Video Input Analog

  • Composite/S-Video (Y/C) (1 x BNC/2x BNC+Adapter)
  • Component (3 x BNC)
  • HD: YPbPr, RGB
  • SD: YPbPr, RGB (component mode)
  • SMPTE/EBU N10, Betacam 525 line, Betacam 525J, RGB
  • 12-bit D/A, 8x oversampling
  • +/- .2 dB to 5.0 MHz Y Frequency Response
  • +/- .2 dB to 1 MHz C Frequency Response
  • .5% 2T pulse response
  • <1% Diff Phase
  • <1% Diff Gain
  • <1 ns Y/C delay inequity

Video Output Analog

  • Composite/S-Video (Y/C) (1x BNC/2x BNC+Adapter)
  • Component (3x BNC)
  • HD: YPbPr, RGB
  • SD: YPbPr, RGB (component mode)
  • SMPTE/EBU N10, Betacam 525 line, Betacam 525J, RGB
  • 12-bit D/A, 8x oversampling
  • +/- .2 dB to 5.0 MHz Y frequency response
  • +/- .2 dB to 1 MHz C frequency response
  • .5% 2T pulse response
  • <1% Diff Phase
  • <1% Diff Gain
  • <1 ns Y/C delay inequity

Audio kirish raqamli

  • 8-channel, 16 and 24-bit SMPTE-259 SDI embedded audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous
  • 8-channel, 16 and 24-bit HDMI embedded audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous
  • 2-channel, 16 and 24-bit AES/EBU audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous or nonsynchronous, internal sample rate conversion (via 1x XLR on breakout cable or optional KLHi-Box)

Audio Input Analog

  • 2-channel, 16 and 24-bit A/D analog audio, 48 kHz sample rate, balanced (via 2x XLR on DB-25 breakout cable or optional KLHi-Box)
  • +24 dBu full scale digital
  • +/- 0.2 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response

Ovoz chiqishi raqamli

  • 8-channel, 16 and 24-bit SMPTE-259 SDI embedded audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous
  • 8-channel, 16 and 24-bit HDMI embedded audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous
  • 2-channel, 16 and 24-bit AES/EBU audio, 48 kHz sample rate, synchronous or nonsynchronous, internal sample rate conversion (via 1x XLR on breakout cable or optional KLHi-Box)

Ovoz chiqishi analogi

  • 2-channel, 16 and 24-bit D/A analog audio, 48 kHz sample rate, balanced (via 2x XLR on DB-25 breakout cable or optional KLHi-Box)
  • +24 dBu full scale digital (0 dBFS)
  • +/- 0.2 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response
  • 2-Channel unbalanced output (via 2x RCA jacks on optional KLHi-Box)


  • Hardware 10-bit
  • Anamorphic: fullscreen
  • Pillarbox 4:3: results in a 4:3 image in center of screen with black sidebars
  • Zoom 14:9: results in a 4:3 image zoomed slightly to fill a 14:9 image with black side bars
  • Zoom Letterbox: results in image zoomed to fill fullscreen
  • Zoom Wide: results in a combination of zoom and horizontal stretch to fill a 16:9 screen; this setting can introduce a small aspect ratio change


  • Hardware 10-bit
  • Anamorphic: fullscreen
  • Letterbox: image is reduced with black top and bottom added to image area with the aspect ratio preserved
  • Crop: image is cropped to fit new screen size


  • Hardware 10-bit
  • 1080i to 720p
  • 720p to 1080i
  • 720p to 1080PsF

SD to SD Aspect Ratio Conversion

  • Letterbox: This transforms SD anamorphic material to a letterboxed image
  • H Crop: Will produce a horizontally stretched effect on the image; transforms anamorphic SD to full frame
  • SD Pillarbox: Will produce an image in the center of the screen with black borders on the left and right sides and an anamorphized image in the center
  • V Crop: Will transform SD letterbox material to an anamorphic image

Malumot kiritish

  • Analog Color Black (1V) or Composite Sync (2 or 4V)
  • Looping
  • 75 ohm on optional KLHi-Box, terminated on supplied breakout cable

Elektr interfeysi

  • 4-lane PCIe 1.0

Machine Control

  • RS-422, Sony 9-pin protocol (via DB-25 breakout cable or optional KLHi-Box)
  • 9-pin D-connector pinout is as follows:
2 RX-
3 TX+
5 No Connection
7 RX+
8 TX-
Shell GND

Hajmi (bxdxx)

  • 0.75″ x 8.25″ x 5.0″ (19.05 x 209.55 x 127.00 mm)


  • 0.7 lb (0.4 kg)


  • 13W typical, 15W maximum


  • Xavfsiz ish harorati: 0 dan 40 C gacha (32 dan 104 F gacha)
  • Xavfsiz saqlash harorati (O'chirilgan): -40 dan 60 C gacha (-40 dan 140 F gacha)
  • Ishlaydigan nisbiy namlik: 10-90% kondensatsiz
  • Ishlash balandligi: <3,000 metr (<10,000 fut)

Ko'proq AJA mahsulotlari

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Ish stoli I/U, SDI HDMI I/U


Baho berilmagan.

Mahsulotga faqatgina akkauntiga kirib mahsulotni sotib olgan hairdo fikr bildirishi mumkin.

Valyutangizni tanlang
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel risus imperdiet, gravida justo eu.

Savatchada mahsulotlar yo'q.