AJA Bridging HDMI to SMPTE ST 2110 Video and Audio

Umumiy koʻrinish

The IPT-10G2-HDMI Mini-Converter is designed to bridge HDMI HD signals to SMPTE ST 2110 networks.

IPT-10G2-HDMI receives baseband video plus eight embedded audio channels on a full-size HDMI 1.4b interface, then encapsulates the data for output as SMPTE ST 2110 over 10 GigE. Associated audio from the video stream is extracted, synchronized, and embedded into the SMPTE ST 2110 stream. Alternatively stereo audio can be fed into the stream from the dual RCA inputs.

2x 10 GigE SFP+ cages are provided, allowing “hitless switching” redundancy protection (ST 2022-7) for critical contribution and transmission environments.



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AJA Bridging HDMI to SMPTE ST 2110 Video and Audio


IP Converters


Umumiy koʻrinish

The IPT-10G2-HDMI Mini-Converter is designed to bridge HDMI HD signals to SMPTE ST 2110 networks.

IPT-10G2-HDMI receives baseband video plus eight embedded audio channels on a full-size HDMI 1.4b interface, then encapsulates the data for output as SMPTE ST 2110 over 10 GigE. Associated audio from the video stream is extracted, synchronized, and embedded into the SMPTE ST 2110 stream. Alternatively stereo audio can be fed into the stream from the dual RCA inputs.

2x 10 GigE SFP+ cages are provided, allowing “hitless switching” redundancy protection (ST 2022-7) for critical contribution and transmission environments.


IPT-10G2-HDMI Mini-Converter transmits a SMPTE ST 2110 essence derived from an incoming HD HDMI input source. Providing two SFP+ cages for redundancy protection via “hitless switching”, IPT-10G2-HDMI is rugged, quiet and fanless. AJA Mini-Converter design is ideal for placement in a wide range of display and device scenarios, from studios to field.

Key features:

  • SMPTE ST 2110 audio, video transmitter
  • Rugged, quiet, fanless design
  • 1x full size (standard type A) HDMI 1.4b (24/30-bits per pixel) input up to 1080 60p, 4:2:2, 10-bit, YCbCr
  • Full 10-bit pixel processing pipeline
  • Embedded HDMI audio input (up to eight channels)
  • 2x RCA analog audio input
  • 2x 10 GigE SFP+ cages for media LAN (providing support for ST 2022-7 “Hitless Switching”) with status light
  • 1x 1 GigE RJ-45 socket for control LAN with status light
  • Reference Out connector to provide PTP locked sync to baseband sources for lowest latency
  • Frame sync to retime baseband sources that are not locked to PTP
  • Web browser accessible setup and control interface, via built-in web server
  • 1x mini-USB port providing an alternate method of initial network configuration with AJA eMini-Setup software
  • NMOS and Ember+ support
  • Customizable control with AJA REST API

Bridge HDMI Sources to Anywhere on a SMPTE ST 2110 Network

With new IP based facilities often requiring integration with traditional baseband sources,  IPT-10G2-HDMI provides a simple solution for converting HDMI sources, and then formatting and transmitting via ST 2110 IP to provide that content to a range of destinations.

User Control

IPT-10G2-HDMI provides two key methods for control. The Control LAN Ethernet port enables full setup and control of the Mini-Converter from web browsers on any platform and REST clients. The mini-USB connector facilitates quick and simple initial network configuration and firmware updates with AJA eMini Setup software.

  • 1x RJ-45 (IEC 60603-7) for 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet (IEEE 802.3-2012)
  • HTTP/1.1 (RFCs 7230, 7231, 7232, 7233, 7234, 7235)
  • Browser and REST clients supported
  • 1x USB 2.0 Mini-B (IEC 62680-1) connector
  • Browser-based or AJA eMini-Setup of network parameters
  • NMOS transmit (Discovery, Registration and Control)
    • According to standards IS-04 v1.3 & IS-05 v1.1
  • LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)
  • AJA REST API (Control Only)
    • Discovery is supported via SSDP, allowing AJA REST API to then be used for Control
    • Discovery is also supported via MDNS, allowing AJA REST API to then be used for Control
  • Ember+ (no Discovery, Control only) v1.6.2

Universal quvvat manbai

Barcha AJA Mini-konvertorlari a bilan birga keladi universal quvvat manbai that includes international plug connections for use around the world.

Yilni va portativ

AJA Mini-konvertorlar monitor orqasiga, tokchaning orqa tomoniga yoki to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kamera qurilmasiga sig'adigan darajada kichik. Qulflash quvvat ulagichi tasodifan bo'shashmaydi va qo'shimcha P-TAP quvvat kabeli uzoq joylarda batareya quvvatini ta'minlaydi.

AJA mini-matritsasi

AJA Mini-konvertorlarining to'liq qatori haqidagi ma'lumot endi iOS-da mobil ilova sifatida mavjud. Mini-Konverter mahsulot qatori keng va bu ilova qayerda bo'lsangiz ham har qanday vaziyat uchun to'g'ri konvertorni topishga yordam beradi.

Alohida mahsulotlarda qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun asosiy AJA veb-saytiga havolalar mavjud va mahsulot ma'lumotlarini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ilovadan elektron pochta orqali yuborishingiz mumkin. iPad uchun bepul AJA Mini-Matrix ilovasi® va iPhone® hozirda mavjud Apple iTunes® do'koni.

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi

Video formatlari

  • (HD) 1920x1080p 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60
  • (HD) 1920x1080i 50, 59.94
  • (HD) 1280x720p 50, 59.94, 60
  • (SD) 625i 50
  • (SD) 525i 59,94

Video Quality

  • 10-bit, 4:2:2, uncompressed

Discovery, Registration and Control

  • NMOS discovery and control according to standards IS-04 v1.3 and IS-05 v1.1
  • Ember+ control (no discovery, control only)
  • AJA REST API control (discovery via SSDP or MDNS)
  • LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)
  • Supported over dedicated management Ethernet port and in-band over media ports

Media Transport Interfaces

  • SMPTE ST 2110 (-10, -20, -21, -30)
    • 2x SFP+ Cages – SFPs not included
  • Recommended 10 GigE SFP+ modules:
    • Arista Networks SFP-10G-SR Compatible 10GBASE-SR
    • Fiberstore SFP-10GSR-85 10G SFP+ 850nm
    • Finisar FTLX1471D3BCL (for single mode 1310nm)
    • Mellanox MFM1T02A-SR 850nm 10G


Note: Maximum supported SFP+ power is 500 mW per SFP+ cage

Video kirish raqamli

  • 1x HDMI Standard Type A connector
    • HDMI v1.4b 24/30-bits per pixel
    • Up to 1080 60p, 4:2:2, 10-bit, YCbCr/RGB

Audio kirish raqamli

  • Up to 8-channel, HDMI embedded audio, 24-bit per channel, 48 kHz synchronous

Audio Input Analog

  • 2x RCA analog audio
    • Levels at -10 dBu (nominal)

Video Output IP

  • SMPTE ST 2110
    • Single video channel output
    • SMPTE ST 2022-7 dual stream output for hitless switching
    • Tx support for Narrow, Gapped Mode

Audio Output IP

  • SMPTE ST 2110
    • Up to 8-channels audio, 24-bit per channel, 48 kHz synchronous
    • 1 ms or 125 µs packet interval


  • 1x BNC
    • Reference Out connector generates an analog/tri-level reference output synchronized to the PTP clock
    • Used to lock baseband sources/devices to PTP, so video arriving at the IP transmitter is properly timed

IP Clock

  • PTP support compliant with PTP PTPv2 / IEEE 1588-2008
  • SMPTE ST 2059-1 compliant

Foydalanuvchi interfeysi

  • 1x RJ-45 for 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet
    • Web and REST clients supported for remote network setup and configuration
  • 1x USB 2.0 Mini-B connector
    • AJA eMini-Setup supported for network setup and configuration via local desktop computer
  • Web and REST configuration is also supported in-band over media ports

Hajmi (bxdxx)

  • 5.07″ x 0.94″ x 5.06″ (128.8 x 23.9 x 128.4 mm)


  • 0,6 funt (0,3 kg)


  • 5-20 VDC Regulated, 13 Watts, Power supply required (DWP-U-R1 included with purchase)


  • Xavfsiz ish harorati: 0 dan 40 C gacha (32 dan 104 F gacha)
  • Xavfsiz saqlash harorati (O'chirilgan): -40 dan 60 C gacha (-40 dan 140 F gacha)
  • Ishlaydigan nisbiy namlik: 10-90% kondensatsiz
  • Ishlash balandligi: <3,000 metr (<10,000 fut)

Ko'proq AJA mahsulotlari

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi



Baho berilmagan.

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