Sachtler System Ace XL aluminium with Fluid Head, Ace 75/2 D Tripod , Mid-Level Spreader & Bag
System Ace XL MS AL
Ace XL Tripod faqat 75 mm suyuqlik boshi va foydali transport sumkasi bo'lgan paket sifatida mavjud. Noto'g'ri joyda va "joyida" ishlaydigan har bir kishi o'rta darajadagi yoyuvchiga ega bo'lgan ikki bosqichli kengaytmali tripodlar bilan afzalliklarga ega bo'ladi.
Professional performance means maximum stability and jerk-free camera movement, even when supporting heavier digital cine-style cameras and rigs. The Sachtler Ace XL Fluid Head supports up to 8 kg and the eight counterbalance steps mean that camera balancing is always quick and simple. The lightweight design means that it won’t weigh you down, while the high degree of stability means that it won’t let you down either.
A range of features make the Sachtler Ace XL Fluid Head a versatile part of your kit. The 75 mm ball-based head has an integrated flat bottom designed to accommodate a wide range of configured rigs. The integrated flat head base means that the Ace XL can be modified for shooting with a slider. Once you have set up, the three steps of pan and drag plus zero allow for effortless smooth movement. Durable, lightweight and designed with the user in mind, this fluid head will remain a part of your kit for years.
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