Datavideo SE-2850-12

Datavideo HD/SD 12-Channel Digital Video Switcher

8 inputs standard. Upgradable to 12 inputs.

The SE-2850 is the only rack-mounted, 8-input switcher that can be upgraded to 12 inputs to support even larger productions. (SDI and HDMI inputs)


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


Datavideo HD/SD 12-Channel Digital Video Switcher

8 inputs standard. Upgradable to 12 inputs.

The SE-2850 is the only rack-mounted, 8-input switcher that can be upgraded to 12 inputs to support even larger productions. (SDI and HDMI inputs)

Support for various input resolutions simultaneously

Connect cameras, computers, and other devices with different video resolutions. Thanks to its built-in video scaler, the SE-2850 will scale all the inputs for the proper working environment.

Assignable Crosspoints

The SE-2850’s inputs can be reassigned, giving you more flexibility while organizing the multi-view interface.

Perfect lip sync

The SE-2850’s included audio-delay feature ensures that you’ll be able to keep your audio and video perfectly in sync with one another.

This means zero lip sync issues for your professional production.

Included CG Title Creator

The SE-2850 includes the entry-level CG-200 software for creating on-screen text and titles. (Upgradable to CG-350 for advanced features)

Supports 12 HD or SD Inputs in a variety of configurations

  • HD Mode: (1) 8/12 HD-SDI , (2) 6/9 HD-SDI + 2/3 HDMI
  • SD Mode: (1) 8/12 SD-SDI , (2) 6/9 SDI + 2/3 HDMI


There is no need to install the driver to connect with the laptop. The images and videos can be directly input to the switcher through the HDMI interface of the laptop.

Datavideo HD/SD 12-Channel Digital Video Switcher


Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi

Model raqami
Video standart
HD va SD
Video formati
1080p 25/29/30/50/59.94/60Hz
1080i 50/59,94/60Hz
720p 50/59,94/60Hz
576i 50Hz
480i 59,94 Gts
Videoga ishlov berish
SDI: 4:2:2
HDMI: YUV 4:2:2 10 bit, RGB 4:4:4
Routable / Crosspoint kiritish
All 12, repeatable
Video kiritish
Standard: 8x SDI, 2x HDMI
Max: 12x SDI, 3x HDMI
HD va SD manbasini aralashtiring
Kompyuter grafik interfeysi
Max 3 via HDMI
Video chiqishi
4x SDI assignable:
PGM, PVW, AUX & Clean Out
2x HDMI tayinlanishi mumkin:
PGM & multi-view
Pastga aylantirilgan chiqish
4x SDI
O'rnatilgan ko'p ko'rinishli monitoring
Analog audio kirish
4x Balanslangan XLR
Analog audio chiqishi
2x Balanslangan XLR
Raqamli o'rnatilgan audio qo'llab-quvvatlash
16 tagacha kanal kiritish, 4 ta kanal chiqarish
Audio kechikish kalibrlash
Up to 8 frames per channel(*SDI input audio only)
A+V kommutatsiyasi
Sarlavha yaratuvchisi
Ha, CG-200 dasturi bepul yuklab olish
2x DSK-ni qo'llab-quvvatlash Lumakey / Lineer kalit (Kalit / To'ldirish)
Rasmdagi rasm
Logotip kiritish
2 (yoki 1 logotip + 1 soat)
Hali ham do'kon
FTB, Cut, 8 Chegara bilan artib oling
O'tishni oldindan ko'rish
PiP va DSK
Sinxronlash / Yo'naltiruvchi kirish / chiqish
Built-in Genlock
Support external sync with loop thru
Tally chiqishi
1x D-sub 25 pinli, ikki rangli
Kompyuterni masofadan boshqarish
Ethernet (bepul Window dasturi)
O'rnatilgan audio mikser
Maxsus xususiyatlar
4-CH SD downconvert output
Built in TC-200 CG system
Selectable SMPTE/EBU Audio level
2 birlik, 2RU stendga o'rnatiladigan asosiy kompyuter
Hajmi (LxWxH)
433 x 312 x 76 mm (almashtirgich)
432 x 252 x 88 mm (asosiy birlik)
4.7 kg
DC 12V, 44W
Ishlash harorati. Diapazon
0~40 °C
Qutida nima bor
1 x SE-2850 Main Unit
1 x SE-2850 Control Board
AC shnuri bilan 1 x AD Switch DC 12V
1 x DB9P TO DB9P kabeli
1 x CB-41 / XLR dan XLR kabeliga
2 x Extra button cap for wipe
12 x vint
2 x 2U quloq tokchasi

Boshqa DataVideo mahsulotlari


Datavideo SE-3200



Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Jonli ishlab chiqarish almashtirgichlar, monitor, multiviewer, signalni qayta ishlash, video / audio / SDI yozuvchisi, video router


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