Datavideo DAC-50S

SDI to Analogue Converter

Down scale conversion with stand-alone audio output

Converts 3G/HD/SD-SDI input to analogue video and 2 unbalance analogue audio channels.

Two available output combinations with independent SDI loop through

Can choose output options between 1 x YUV output & 1 x CV output or 1 x S-Video (Y/C) output & 2 x CV outputs.

SDI loop through is unaffected by the adjustments of resolution setting to the analogue signal, users can connect the original video signal to other terminal device.

SDI to Analogue Converter


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


Down scale conversion with stand-alone audio output

SDI to Analogue Converter Converts 3G/HD/SD-SDI input to analogue video and 2 unbalance analogue audio channels .

SDI to analog audio converter

Two available output combinations with independent SDI loop through

Can choose output options between 1 x YUV output & 1 x CV output or 1 x S-Video (Y/C) output & 2 x CV outputs.

SDI loop through is unaffected by the adjustments of resolution setting to the analogue signal, users can connect the original video signal to other terminal device.

SDI to Analogue Converter

Down scale conversion with stand-alone audio output


Converts 3G/HD/SD-SDI input to analogue video and 2 unbalance analogue audio channels.

Two available output combinations with independent SDI loop through

sdi to analog audio converter

Can choose output options between 1 x YUV output & 1 x CV output or 1 x S-Video (Y/C) output & 2 x CV outputs. SDI loop through is unaffected by the adjustments of resolution setting to the analogue signal, users can connect the original video signal to other terminal device.

Alyuminiy qotishmasi va og'ir dizayn


Super mustahkam va bardoshli. DAC seriyali eng qo'pol sharoitlarda ham foydalanish uchun mustahkam metall korpusga ega. Kam issiqlik tarqalishi, oddiy shamollatiladigan muhitda uzoq soat ishlash uchun ideal.

Texnik xususiyatlari

SDI to Analogue Converter

DAC-50S SDI to Analogue Converter
Konvertatsiya 3G/HD/SD-SDI to Analog
Down Converter
Video kirishlar 1x 3G/HD/SD-SDI
Loop Through Ha
Video chiqishlari YUV + Composite or Y/C + 2x Composite
Audio kirishlar 1x SDI Audio embedded
Audio chiqishlari 2x RCA (Stereo Pair)
Qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan video kiritish formatlari 1080p (50/59.94Hz) ,
1080i (50/59.94Hz),
720p (50/59.94Hz), 576i, 480i
Chiqish ruxsatlari 576i, 480i
Ekvalayzer Ha
Qayta soat Ha
Hajmi (LxWxH) 112 x 85 x 45 mm
Og'irligi 0.5 kg
Ishlash harorati. Diapazon 0~40 °C
Quvvat DC 12V, 6Vt
Qutida nima bor 1 x DAC-50S
1 x AD kaliti DC 12V
1 x rahmat kartasi

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Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Signalni qayta ishlash


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