AJA Streamlined Capture and Playback over 3G-SDI
Ish stoli kiritish-chiqarish
Umumiy koʻrinish
Designed for broadcast, post and ProAV, as well as OEM developers, KONA 1 is a robust, cost efficient single-channel 3G-SDI 2K/HD 60p I/O card with serial control, reference/LTC and even HDR over SDI. KONA 1 features standard application plug-ins and supports capture, monitoring and/or playback with software applications from AJA, Adobe®, Avid®, Apple®, Telestream and more as well as AJA SDK support. KONA 1 enables simultaneous monitoring during capture (pass-through) and includes: full size SDI ports supporting 3G-SDI formats, embedded 16-channel SDI audio in/out, Genlock with reference/ LTC input and RS-422.
- Single Channel 3G-SDI Capture or Playback 2K/HD/SD up to 50/60p
- 2x 3G-SDI connections (In, Out) with 16-channel embedded audio
- RGB 4:4:4 12-bit, YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit va HFR ish oqimlari qoʻllab-quvvatlanadi
- VPID signaling for SDR/HDR Transfer Characteristics, Colorimetry and Luminance via SDI
- PQ, HLG and Dolby Vision Support
- HDR Metadata Capture and Auto Playback Detection
- RS-422 support on 9-pin external connector
- Low profile form factor also available with internal RS-422 header
- Reference/LTC Input on card (Analog black burst or Tri-level)
- Compatible with leading creative apps
- Yangi Apple M1 chipini qo'llab-quvvatlashni o'z ichiga oladi
Yangi Apple M1 chiplarini qo'llab-quvvatlash
Ish stoli dasturiy ta'minoti v16.1 va undan yuqorisi yangi Apple M1 chipi uchun optimallashtirilgan bo'lib, AJA macOS drayverlari, ilova plaginlari, AJA boshqaruv xonasi, AJA boshqaruv paneli, AJA tizim testi va AJA NMOS dasturiy ta'minotini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi.
Powerful and Simple 3G-SDI Capture and Playback for 2K/HD up to 60p
KONA 1 provides cost-effective and powerful professional 3G-SDI support for robust compatibility with Ingest, Editing and Visual Effects applications.
Capture, Monitor and Output frame accurately up to 2K 60p over 3G-SDI with Adobe, Avid, AJA Control Room and many more applications.
Reference and LTC spigots provide the professional frame stability and time code based reliability you need for broadcast, production, ProAV and creative finishing projects.
HDR yoki Yuqori dinamik diapazon standart signallarga qaraganda kengroq va boyroq ranglar diapazoni, ancha yorqinroq oq va ancha chuqurroq, quyuqroq qora ranglarni namoyish qilish imkoniyatini beradi. Bu sizning tasviringizga yanada "dinamik" ko'rinish beradi va tomoshabinlaringizga tabiiy haqiqiy ranglarni etkazish imkonini beradi.
HDR workflows can also benefit from AJA’s Control Room application and it’s companion, AJA Control Panel, which comes complete with built-in HDR test patterns.
AJA Control Room also provides VPID signaling for SDR/HDR Transfer Characteristics, Colorimetry and Luminance transfer characteristics over SDI, bringing flexible output options to your AJA device.
AJA Control Room software also provides HDR Auto Playback Detection. Embedded HDR metadata in a recorded .mov file, is read and used to automatically set the HDR format on the monitor connected to the SDI output.
Support for file-based .mov HDR outputs with metadata from Adobe Premiere Pro/Adobe Media Encoder HDR files is also available. Screening those rendered outputs is a simple and hi-quality experience with AJA Control Room. Every frame is presented in its full-quality, at the timing intended, and with the proper HDR format set correctly and automatically.
Apple Mac Pro bilan mos keladi
AJA offers full compatibility for the new Apple Mac Pro, including support for AJA Control Room with Metal compatibility as well as extensive support for a range of applications. For productions handling high resolution workflows, KONA 1 is a perfect companion with the new desktop offering single-channel 3G-SDI capture and playback.
Operating Systems Compatibilities
11.0 (Big Sur), 10.15 (Catalina), 10.14 (Mojave) uchun macOS-ni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi.
20.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS uchun Linux Ubuntu-ni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi.
Linux Redhat/CentOS (8) va (7) qo'llab-quvvatlash.
Windows 10 va yangilanishlar.
Supporting macOS, Windows and Linux, KONA 1 offers cost effective simple connectivity for a range of 2K/HD/SD workflows across 3G-SDI with video pass through on SDI out while capturing.
Powerful platforms for development partners
AJA’s Developer Program allows partner companies to incorporate AJA products into their systems. By utilizing existing, proven video I/O devices, Developer Partners leverage AJA’s expertise to develop and support these technologies, saving money and getting their integrated products to market more quickly.
Xost tizimlarining muvofiqligi
Desktop Software v16.1 comes with a wide range of tested configurations to help you make an informed choice based on requirements.
AJA DataCalc
AJA DataCalc iOS, iPadOS va Android uchun mobil operatsion tizim ilovasi boʻlib, rastr, kadr tezligi va kodek tanlovi asosida saqlash va vaqtni hisoblash uchun ikkita rejimni taklif etadi.
DataCalc - qo'lga olishdan oldin saqlash ehtiyojlarini hisoblang.
TimeCalc - Saqlash hajmi bo'yicha olishingiz mumkin bo'lgan materiallarning ishlash vaqtini hisoblang.
Natijalarni bevosita ilovadan jamoangiz bilan baham ko'ring.
Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi
Video formatlari
- (2K) 2048 x 1080p 23,98, 24, 25, 29,97, 30, 50, 59,94, 60
- (2K) 2048 x 1080PsF 23,98, 24, 25
- (HD) 1080i 50, 59.94, 60
- (HD) 1080PsF 23,98, 24, 25, 29,97, 30
- (HD) 1080p 23,98, 24, 25, 29,97, 30, 50, 59,94, 60
- (HD) 720p 50, 59,94, 60
- (SD) 625i 50
- (SD) 525i 59,94
Video kirish raqamli
- 3G-SDI, SMPTE 425
- RGB 4:4:4 12-bit*, YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit
- 1.5G-SDI, SMPTE 292M
- Single Link HD-SDI YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit
- 270 Mbps SDI, SMPTE 259M-C
- YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit, 8-bit
*Bit depth support is application dependent. Check with your software manufacturer for compatibility.
Raqamli video chiqishi
- 3G-SDI, SMPTE 425
- RGB 4:4:4 12-bit*, YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit
- 1.5G-SDI, SMPTE 292M
- Single Link HD-SDI YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit
- 270 Mbps SDI, SMPTE 259M-C
- YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit, 8-bit
*Bit depth support is application dependent. Check with your software manufacturer for compatibility.
- SDI: VPID signaling for SDR/HDR Transfer Characteristics, Colorimetry and Luminance.
Audio kirish raqamli
- 16-channel 24-bit SDI embedded, 48 kHz synchronous
Ovoz chiqishi raqamli
- 16-channel 24-bit SDI embedded, 48 kHz synchronous
Reference / LTC Input
- Analog Color Black or HD Tri-level sync
Elektr interfeysi
- 2-lane PCIe 2.0
Machine control
- RS-422, Sony 9-pin protocol
- 9-pin D-connector pinout is as follows:
1 | GND |
2 | RX- |
3 | TX+ |
4 | GND |
5 | No Connection |
6 | GND |
7 | RX+ |
8 | TX- |
9 | GND |
Shell | GND |
Hajmi (bxdxx)
- T = 0.88″ x 7.38″ x 4.75″ (22.36 x 187.46 x 120.65 mm)
- S = 0.75″ x 7.25″ x 3.125″ (19.05 x 184.15 x 79.36 mm)
- 0,3 funt (0,2 kg)
- Xavfsiz ish harorati: 0 dan 40 C gacha (32 dan 104 F gacha)
- Xavfsiz saqlash harorati (O'chirilgan): -40 dan 60 C gacha (-40 dan 140 F gacha)
- Ishlaydigan nisbiy namlik: 10-90% kondensatsiz
- Ishlash balandligi: <3,000 metr (<10,000 fut)
Baho berilmagan.