AJA 12G/6G/3G/HD/SD-SDI Distribution Amplifier

Umumiy koʻrinish

12GDA is a miniature 1×6 12G-SDI reclocking distribution amplifier that allows facilities to save on cable runs and install times. With support for 12G-SDI for 4K/UltraHD single link workflows, the format agnostic device features six separately buffered SDI outputs identical to the recovered input. It also offers automatic input detection, reclocking and cable equalization, as well as a throw down package and LED signal detection indicator.


Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


AJA 12G/6G/3G/HD/SD-SDI Distribution Amplifier


Infrastructure Converters


Umumiy koʻrinish

12GDA is a miniature 1×6 12G-SDI reclocking distribution amplifier that allows facilities to save on cable runs and install times. With support for 12G-SDI for 4K/UltraHD single link workflows, the format agnostic device features six separately buffered SDI outputs identical to the recovered input. It also offers automatic input detection, reclocking and cable equalization, as well as a throw down package and LED signal detection indicator.


  • Compact 12G-SDI distribution
  • Six separately buffered outputs
  • Miniature size
  • 12G cable equalization (1694 coax)
  • 12 Gbps, 70m
  • 6 Gbps, 120m
  • 3 Gbps, 190m
  • 1.5 Gbps, 195m
  • 270 Mbps, 405m
  • 12G/6G/3G/HD/SD-SDI input, auto sensing
  • Passes all ancillary data
  • DWP-U-R1 power supply included

12G-SDI from Camera to Fiber, Edit and More

Explore how AJA’s latest 12G-SDI solutions can simplify production and post workflows, providing ample bandwidth to handle high resolution, high frame rate and deep color content over a single cable.

Learn more about our FiDO 12G-SDI/optical fiber Mini-Converters, 12GDA distribution amplifier, 12GM muxer/demuxer, FS-HDR converter/frame synchronizer and Io 4K Plus Thunderbolt™ 3-equipped audio and video I/O device with 12G-SDI support.

Universal quvvat manbai

Barcha AJA Mini-konvertorlari a bilan birga keladi universal quvvat manbai that includes international plug connections for use around the world.

Yilni va portativ

AJA Mini-konvertorlar monitor orqasiga, tokchaning orqa tomoniga yoki to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kamera qurilmasiga sig'adigan darajada kichik. Qulflash quvvat ulagichi tasodifan bo'shashmaydi va qo'shimcha P-TAP quvvat kabeli uzoq joylarda batareya quvvatini ta'minlaydi.

AJA mini-matritsasi

AJA Mini-konvertorlarining to'liq qatori haqidagi ma'lumot endi iOS-da mobil ilova sifatida mavjud. Mini-Konverter mahsulot qatori keng va bu ilova qayerda bo'lsangiz ham har qanday vaziyat uchun to'g'ri konvertorni topishga yordam beradi.

Alohida mahsulotlarda qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun asosiy AJA veb-saytiga havolalar mavjud va mahsulot ma'lumotlarini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ilovadan elektron pochta orqali yuborishingiz mumkin. iPad uchun bepul AJA Mini-Matrix ilovasi® va iPhone® hozirda mavjud Apple iTunes® do'koni.

Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi



Video formatlari

• 100 Mbps – 12 Gbps, format agnostic

Video kirish raqamli

• 1 x 12G-SDI BNC, SMPTE-259/292/424/2081/2082

Raqamli video chiqishi

• 6 x 12G-SDI BNC, SMPTE-259/292/424/2081/2082

Cable Equalization

(Belden 1694A coax)

• 12 Gbps, 70m
• 6 Gbps, 120m
• 3 Gbps, 190m
• 1.5 Gbps, 195m
• 270 Mbps, 405m

Qayta soatlash

• 270 Mbps, 1.483 Gbps, 1.485 Gbps, 2.967 Gbps, 2.970 Gbps, 5.934 Gbps, 5.940 Gbps, 11.868 Gbps, 11.880 Gbps – Auto Select
• All other rates are passed through and not reclocked

Hajmi (bxdxx)

• 5.8″ x 3.1 x 1″ (147mm x 79mm x 25mm)


• 0.7 lb (0.3 kg)


• +5-20VDC, regulated, 3 watts, power supply required, included with purchase
• AC Adapter: 100-240VAC, 50/60 Hz, universal input


• Safe Operating Temperature: 0 to 40 degrees C (32 to 104 degrees F)
• Safe Storage Temperature (Power OFF): -40 to 60 degrees C (-40 to 140 degrees F)
• Operating Relative Humidity: 10-90% noncondensing
• Operating Altitude: <3,000 meters (<10,000 feet)


Ko'proq AJA mahsulotlari

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi



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