Datavideo SE-650

Datavideo 4 Input HD digital video switcher


SDI and HDMI inputs on a budget

video switcher, the SE-650 is Datavideo’s most affordable SDI+HDMI switcher available.

With 2 SDI inputs and 2 HDMI inputs, the SE-650 is compatible with both professional and consumer-grade cameras while being one of the least expensive switchers in our catalog.



Buyurtma to'g'risidagi xabarnoma, 1970 yil 1 yanvar


Datavideo 4 Input HD digital video switcher


SDI and HDMI inputs on a budget

video switcher, the SE-650 is Datavideo’s most affordable SDI+HDMI switcher available.

With 2 SDI inputs and 2 HDMI inputs, the SE-650 is compatible with both professional and consumer-grade cameras while being one of the least expensive switchers in our catalog.


Easy on the outside. Professional on the inside.

The SE-650’s intuitive control panel makes switching a piece-of-cake for experienced users, as well as for beginners such as volunteers and students.

Though it’s geared for novice users, the SE-650 is packed with advanced features such as lumakey and chromakey.

Built-in audio mixer

The SE-650’s built-in audio mixer means that you’ve got everything you need to control your audio input levels.

For most productions, this means that there’s no need to buy a separate external audio mixer.

Stunning video effect enrich the scene and Built-in animations and backgrounds.

Down stream keyers(DSK) , up stream keyers(USK) and picture-in-picture(PIP) generators combined with a dual chromakeyer give you enough freedom to be creative.

Choose between a variety of pre-saved animated stinger transitions and virtual set backgrounds.



User memories

You can save a complex process into a user memory, turning multiple tasks into a one-finger job.


There is no need to install the driver to connect with the laptop. The images and videos can be directly input to the switcher through the HDMI interface of the laptop.


Datavideo 4 Input HD digital video switcher


Mahsulot spetsifikatsiyasi


Model raqami
Video standart
Video formati
1080i 50/59,94/60Hz
720p 50/59,94/60Hz
Videoga ishlov berish
SDI: 4:2:2
HDMI: YUV 4:2:2 10 bit, RGB: 4:4:4
Routable / Crosspoint kiritish
All 4, repeatable
Video kiritish
HD va SD manbasini aralashtiring
Kompyuter grafik interfeysi
2 HDMI orqali
Video chiqishi
2 x HDMI (1 is MV, 1 is Assignable)
1 x HD-SDI (Assignable)
Pastga aylantirilgan chiqish
O'rnatilgan ko'p ko'rinishli monitoring
HDMI & SDI assignable
Analog audio kirish
1 x Stereo RCA (L/R)
2 x Mono Microphone
Analog audio chiqishi
1 x Stereo RCA (L/R)
1 x Stereo headphone (Mini Jack with volume control)
Raqamli o'rnatilgan audio qo'llab-quvvatlash
Input 2 channels, Output 2 channels
Audio kechikish kalibrlash
A+V kommutatsiyasi
Sarlavha yaratuvchisi
2x Keyer support Chromakey/ Linear/ Luma Key
1x DSK support Lumakey/ Linear key (Key / Fill)
Rasmdagi rasm
Logotip kiritish
Hali ham do'kon
FTB, Cut, 32 Wipe with border
O'tishni oldindan ko'rish
Full transitions preview
Sinxronlash / Yo'naltiruvchi kirish / chiqish
O'rnatilgan Genlock (ichki)
Tally chiqishi
1x D-sub 15pin, dual color
Kompyuterni masofadan boshqarish
DVIP (Ethernet)
O'rnatilgan audio mikser
Yes, 4 channels
Maxsus xususiyatlar
Free Virtual Set and Stinger transition included
Hajmi (LxWxH)
400 x 250 x 82 mm
1,9 kg
DC 12V, 29W
Ishlash harorati. Diapazon
0~40 °C
Qutida nima bor
1 x SE-650 product
AC shnuri bilan 1 x AD Switch DC 12V

Datavideo SE-2850-8

Datavideo SE-2850-12


Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



Mahsulot turi

Jonli ishlab chiqarish almashtirgichlar, monitor, multiviewer, signalni qayta ishlash, video / audio / SDI yozuvchisi, video router


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